Sky Fire at Platt Fields Park, Manchester

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Love that shot, love the composure and the colours are just superb. Well done.

That brings back some memories, I haven't been to Platt Fields since I was a student living in Oak House some <ahem> 3 decades ago!

Very atmospheric image... nicely done (y)
Lovely way the sky follows the pattern of the lake, makes for an interesting shot.
Great shot love the shillouetted tree and the clolours in the sky
thanks for the comments folks, much appreciated, the big picture link should work now.

Really nice shot (y)
Like the way the path and water lead round and the sky fades to the same point.
Love the reflection, love the leading line, love it love it love it (y)
cheers folks, platt fields is a bit of an oasis i think!
That's a great, well thought out shot.
The composition is very strong with the lead-in line of the path from the lower left.

How can it be improved?
- maybe add more saturation in the sky?
- a red or purple grad on the sky would've beed interesting
- the effect of a long exposure on the water would also be interesting to see how it affects the overall image

Bottom's a cracking image.
I think its a fantastic shot. Compositionally, I think it can be improved by losing some of the space on the left hand side and cropping in a little tighter. The curve should then start very close to the left edge and draw the eye in nicely all the way through the picture and create a flattering dissect between the sky and pond :)
I agree with what the above poster wrote. The path can offer a better lead in line (curve) to the shot.

Like the shot a lot.
Thanks for the all the feedback, no blending was done at all, as for the cropping tighter, I did try that but for some reasons my eye didnt missed the extra path and the extra tree to the left...!

Cheers folks,
