Sleepy 4 day old

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Seeing the other lovely baby shots, I thought I'd post some recent ones too, hope you don't mind!

After a fair few babies that just didn't want to sleep after every trick going, I finally had a shoot with a very very sleepy baby girl! Bliss. ;)




Wow, very nice!

Some very nice baby images floating about on TP these days :) I just wish i had the knowledge to do pics like these when my little one was born! :(
Very nice, Number 3 is lovely.

Q- How did you managed the pose for no3? Is the hand by the baby chin not going to just fall away from the face? :thinking:

Sorry, I maybe should have put in my original post, no 3 is a composite. Mum was supporting her head, though she did actually keep her hand there herself .;)

Wow, very nice!

Thank you! :D

Some very nice baby images floating about on TP these days :) I just wish i had the knowledge to do pics like these when my little one was born! :(

-to be honest, I still find it really hard to get good photos of my own kids!
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Love the shots - love the idea and you know they will look great in a large frame. How old was the baby? Love the way the hands are positioned in 1 & 3.

Only negative would be the blurring of the background in 2 and 3 - has this been done in PS as it looks a bit too obvious.
She was 4 days old. I know what you mean about the backgrounds, I thought that 3 looked bad when I uploaded it, they look much better in real life! The effect must be exaggerated at this resolution? Might have to revisit that one though!
these are just lovely. i've been wanting to try out a similar idea with my little boy - your execution and composition is perfect, but i agree that the blur looks a bit unconvincing.

but that aside, great shots.
Lovely work, Elli! Look at those lips - so cute! Some good posing going on here too (love the glimpse of the toes in no 2!) - I don't mind the blurring, as it focuses all the attention on the baby.
Very nice shots love number 3 (y)

Thank you, that's my favourite one.

these are just lovely. i've been wanting to try out a similar idea with my little boy - your execution and composition is perfect, but i agree that the blur looks a bit unconvincing.

but that aside, great shots.

Thanks, looking forward to seeing yours!

Lovely work, Elli! Look at those lips - so cute! Some good posing going on here too (love the glimpse of the toes in no 2!) - I don't mind the blurring, as it focuses all the attention on the baby.

She was such a cute model, I just wanted to take her home with me!

Lovely shots! Thanks for sharing them

Thank you :)

Nice shots! I really like your posing, you can see she's very young, I haven't had one that bendy yet :)

I agree with cambsno about the backgrounds in 2 and 3 though, they do look a bit artificial. Using a fast lens should give you enough blur naturally.

Cute set (y)

Thanks Lauren. I did shoot these with fast glass, 50/1.4, so the backgrounds are pretty blured anyway. On the full size, you can still clearly see blanket in the background under the blur after pp, but I'm definately going to have another go at these following the feedback. It's always good to get a second opinion. ;)