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Maybe harking back to "the good old days", but I had stopped into the Barcelona test earlier this week, and it was GREAT to see the cars running on slicks again :D Somehow it just looks right!

Nice, doesn't look as messy!

Nice, doesn't look as messy!


Absolutely loads. The test days are great - you can wander around pretty much as you please, so there's almost unlimited potential for photos. What else to do but fill yor memory cards and get lots of practice in of what works and what doesn't.

Here's Massa. If any you would especially like to see let me know. I was there Monday.

Loving that photo of Massa - the reflection in the brake disc of the front wheel is something I've never seen before - quality
Loving that photo of Massa - the reflection in the brake disc of the front wheel is something I've never seen before - quality

its an aerodynamic wheel trim painted to look like a wheel
they look weird dont they?

the problem is they are sponsored by the wheel maker, so putting the black cover on it covers up the sponsors product. so they paint the wheel on the cover.
well I never knew that - either way its the first time I'd seen that effect

And I'm sort of disappointed at your explanation, Gary. There was me thinking super shiny brake disks reflecting the grandstand. Ah well.
I don't like those aerodynamic wheel spats - I understand their purpose but you don't get blurred wheels as they're stationary. Wish they'd get rid of them

and on the ferrari you get a car that looks like the front has stopped and the back is moving.

i prefer the old wheel trims the inycars used to use on ovals

any of the new toro rosso?

No, sorry. The new Toro Rosso wasn't there on Monday. From what I hear it wasn't in one piece very long anyway! :eek:

This was one I did notice when sorting through - quite a weird thing on the front wheel of the McLaren here. I wonder if it's to do with running the slicks, or some kind of sensor?

[Edit] Or maybe to help out Hamilton the next time he runs into the back of Alonso? :)

Nice shots, is Circuit de Catalunya pretty good for shooting photos then?

It's excellent on the test days at least. Getting into the infield area (especially Grandstand L) is great, as you can see the braking into T1, all the way through T2, the slow corner T5, as well as the long fast T3, and if you step out to the back of the grandstand you can also see the cars heading into T4.

So from that one spot you get braking, fast panning, slow panning, head-on, driving away, etc. I had up to 600mm, but I ended up shooting mostly with the 120-300 zoom, and at around about 180-250mm range. So you can get good close shots without needing the hugely expensive teles.

It's one I'd recommend - especially for the test days prices - 5 euros! At least it was supposed to be - the day I was there they just left the gates open and let anyone wander in free (y)
No, sorry. The new Toro Rosso wasn't there on Monday. From what I hear it wasn't in one piece very long anyway! :eek:

This was one I did notice when sorting through - quite a weird thing on the front wheel of the McLaren here. I wonder if it's to do with running the slicks, or some kind of sensor?

[Edit] Or maybe to help out Hamilton the next time he runs into the back of Alonso? :)

McLaren ran this same wheel device before the season started so one has to assume its got a sensor to measure air flow or resistance, probably connected to the wheel covers they are now using too and how the air flow changes with slicks on.

Great to see them on slicks again, one again they look like grown up racing cars! Cant wait for the Silverstone test session :D