Small Bee series

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Quite a few of these little guys about today. A mixture of single and focus stacked shots.

MPe-65, 30D and MT 24ex.

All pics are clickable.

Cute bee! Nice set - detail and colours are excellent as ever!
I agree brilliant photo's

6 is my fave :)
Very good set of shots. Nos 6 and 7 are my favourites. Like the unique perspective of no 6 and the detail in no 7 (y)
6 is my fave too! (y)
I know this sounds weird but that bee look so cute! it has a strangly adolesant look about it! :thinking::LOL:
6!! definatly, so so good,...makes me wish i had an MP-E (if only i hadn't just quite my job...:p) great shots,
nathan :)
Hi brilliant series My fav is no 1 , its got perfect composition and lighting, with 6 a very close second