Smoking To Be Banned In Cars

It's only a matter of time before smoking is banned completely, and I can't see a problem with that. Most other substances that are used purely for pleasure, which cause serious illness and eventually death, are already banned.

It won't be and it shouldn't. If people enjoy it fair play to them. If it harms no-one else then why ban it. Drugs are banned yet still widely used.
Exactly. It's just another drug. One that happens to be legal right now, and you don't honestly think that they're taking it easier on drugs lately, they can't ban them quick enough.
Exactly. It's just another drug. One that happens to be legal right now, and you don't honestly think that they're taking it easier on drugs lately, they can't ban them quick enough.

Well, cannabis is treated more leniently now. Making them illegal does not stop use. Guessing we have 30m adults in UK, 20% smoke... 6m people - hardly a vote winner!

And the thing is, it does harm other people if they're with them.

So does alcohol!
I never said it was a vote winner, and the percentage of the population smoking is only going to go one way, so like I said originally, it's only a matter of time. Maybe not a couple of years or anything like that, but eventually, I've no doubt it will be banned.
No, I couldn't argue with the alcohol one. It's just the western drug of choice. That'll probably go the same way eventually, but that'll take a lot longer than getting rid of smoking.
For those concerned that cigarette smoke is harmful to children, why not introduce them to the delights of a quality cigar. I'm sure that after sampling the delightful fumes from the Cohiba Esplendido, your child will never allow your hand-rolling tobacco in the car again.
Is smoking more harmful than the excess junk food and lack of exercise that many kids endure?

Yes, smoking can cause illness and often leads to a cancerous death while in your 50s... but then so can being obese... in fact you can get 'healthy smokers' as many may still play sports and be otherwise pretty fit?
It won't be and it shouldn't. If people enjoy it fair play to them. If it harms no-one else then why ban it. Drugs are banned yet still widely used.

As Lee said, it does harm other people. Try telling the late Roy Castle's relatives that smoking doesn't harm other people. The poor guy never smoked, buy died from Lung Cancer caused by passive smoking, during years of working in the clubs.

Smoking Cannabis , has the potential to harm other people, because a lot of 'users' will drive while under the influence of the drug, knowing that the Breathalyser can't detect it.

Drug users can, and do harm other people, as they will steal to feed their habit. They also leave their Hepatitis and HIV infected syringes laying around, where children could pick them up.

A "healthy smoker"?, I don't think so. They may be physically fit and playing sports, but that doesn't mean that damage hasn't, and isn't still being done to their lungs and cardio vascular system.

Maybe not be evident to them now, but it is there all the same, and the 'debt' may well be collected later in life. As I said earlier, its a game of Russian Roulette.

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It won't be and it shouldn't. If people enjoy it fair play to them. If it harms no-one else then why ban it. Drugs are banned yet still widely used.

Personally I'm opposed to prohibition of smoking as it will just put it underground (look how well prohibition of alcohol worked in 20s america) - but arguing that smoking doesnt harm anyone else is just silly - it harms everyone who breathes in the second hand smoke
Of course smoking should be banned in cars. It's a filthy and vulgar habit that chuldren should not be exposed to.

Windows get wound down and burning cigarette butts are flicked out of the car window. You see people parked in a lay by emptying the content of a full ash tray onto the tarmac. Why smokers think that discarding cigarette butts and ash tray content in such a manner is acceptable I do not know.
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I'm pretty cynical about this. There seems to be consensus that only about 20% of the population smoke, and it's a reasonable assumption that a fair number of them don't smoke - or try not to - when they have kids in the car, so the state can proceed with their feel good legislation knowing that there won't be any real opposition to it. It was much the same when handguns were banned after the Dunblane incident.

I think alcohol abuse is much more dangerous and destructive, but there's very little chance that the state will introduce realistic control measures because far more people would see it as a completely unjustified assault on their freedom to make their own decisions and drink as much as they please.
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Although on the other hand drinking alcohol wghile or before driving has been banned for ages due to the obvios hazrds associated with drink driving - when that ban was brought in various die hard drinkers said it was an assault omntheir fredoms - ie in their eyes they should have the freedom to act like a complete b*****d and put other road users lives at rikj becayse " I know what i'm doing it, i can handle my beer"
The ban is a sensible measure. Just a pity we need to legislate for it. It would be nice if common sense told people smoking in a car with children was a bad idea.
You can't claim that saturated fats and carbs do nothing but kill you.

And also if you sit in a car eating a Mcfatburger, your passengers arent also obliged to also become obsese whether they like it or not
Personally I'm opposed to prohibition of smoking as it will just put it underground (look how well prohibition of alcohol worked in 20s america) - but arguing that smoking doesnt harm anyone else is just silly - it harms everyone who breathes in the second hand smoke

I meant that if I choose to smoke (and say do it outdoors) then it doesn't harm anyone else. Hence why it should not be banned. Booze in that respect is worse as I could drink alone yet then do something as a result to harm.
I meant that if I choose to smoke (and say do it outdoors) then it doesn't harm anyone else. Hence why it should not be banned. Booze in that respect is worse as I could drink alone yet then do something as a result to harm.

If you do it outdoors and well away from everyone then possibly - personally as a passerby i have issues with the clouds of smoke emenating from the huddles of smokers standing outside pubs.

But equally if you choose to stand outside and cook up some heroin that doesnt affect anyone either - so why should that not be legal
If you do it outdoors and well away from everyone then possibly - personally as a passerby i have issues with the clouds of smoke emenating from the huddles of smokers standing outside pubs.

But equally if you choose to stand outside and cook up some heroin that doesnt affect anyone either - so why should that not be legal

It does when they go out committing crimes as a result!!!
It does when they go out committing crimes as a result!!!

but that is a consequence of it being illegal - if cigarettes were prohibited and the only way to get them was to buy them off a dodgy bloke round the back of the dog and duck for £20 a cig , you'd have addicted smokers committing crimes to get their fix ... equally if heroin were legal (I'm not actually advocating that) and you could get it over the counter for £5.20 for a packet of 20 hits addicts would just buy it with their dole/wage like people currently do with tobacco.

Point is various illegal drugs are illegal because they are seriously addictive and very bad for your health - tobacco is addictive and very bad for your health , but its still legal - go figure
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So does alcohol!

So, please enlighten me.
I like a glass or three of red wine, and it has never harmed anyone else.
Of course, you may be referring to the idiots who drink to get drunk and feel like having a fight with everyone - we are not all like that.
Point is various illegal drugs are illegal because they are seriously addictive and very bad for your health - tobacco is addictive and very bad for your health , but its still legal - go figure

There's a strong probability that tobacco and alcohol would both be banned, as dangerous and harmful drugs, if they had only been discovered recently. Whether the state should have the right to take this sort of action is a different, and complex, argument.