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Quite smoking recently.

Bought a DSLR due to past interest and help take mind away from smoking.

The man upstairs has literally done a number 1 for the last three weeks in Glasgow preventing any decent practice shots.

I now firmly believe that it is in fact a man up above because a woman wouldn't be so cruel.

The whole house is being redone so no shots to be had indoors.

Last night the weather seemed to be clearing and there was hope for a nice day and a chance for some photos.

Today it snowed.


Now that tale of woe made me chuckle(sorry)

That is exactly the same reason I bought a DSLR, keep going, you will find something to take pics of, even if everyone you know gets fed up of you pointing a camera in their face :LOL::LOL:
I had to read the first post a few times before I understood it. First off, I thought you lived in a flat.

:LOL: Now I've re-read it I see what you mean!

Anyway, snow is very picturesque....:shrug:

I totally agree...when it lies. But it Glasgow it doesn't lie, it just goes wet or turns to slush. :( Still, the weather seems to be picking up! (y)
I would have thought bad weather can be as photogenic as good weather. You know...people trudging home with shopping bags in a snow fall/rain shower. Or cars splashing through a big puddle. Or Kids in rain coats and umberellas....etc etc etc

My thought is all weather is photo-worthy. Just my opinion.
Good job on the smoking (y) I'm on my second week. :help: