Snaps of me :D

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Thanks :D i knew you could do that but wasnt sure which was the best way to present them :D
IMHO, they all look very noisy and under exposed, what lighting did you use as some of the shadows are very harsh, I think you will do better if you took a look at your composition, decided upon which lighting to go with and the re-shot them. If you can provide details of your equipment i can help you further regarding which settings to use(y)
I do like to use harsh lighting and these were just experimenting , i didnt use any setting on my camera just a standard shot these were all edited after on my laptop. I might have the original shots somewhere :D Will upload if i can find them:D
Also can i ask what IMHO stands for ?:D
I like the first and the last one best. Although they do have quite a bit of noise in. Was that intentional?

The rest I am sorry to say remind me of the kind of photos you see teenage girls use on their facebook profiles that have been edited with photoshop mobile or similar.
The rest I am sorry to say remind me of the kind of photos you see teenage girls use on their facebook profiles that have been edited with photoshop mobile or similar.

Exactly what I was thinking too, sorry!
I like the first and the last one best. Although they do have quite a bit of noise in. Was that intentional?

The rest I am sorry to say remind me of the kind of photos you see teenage girls use on their facebook profiles that have been edited with photoshop mobile or similar.

What do you mean by noise?

and i totally agree with the facebook comments
noise is like all the grain that you can see. It's created by the sensor not getting enough light and boosting the signal as a result
I use a program called Noiseware Community Edition to get rid of noise. Its free to download and works miracles. Just open your photo with this and click go.

I think all photographers have problems with noise at some point.
I was going to attempt to try and fix up some of these for you, but you have your edit box crossed.
If you look at the top image you will see your skin and background looks very pixelated and not very smooth IE Noisy Sure there must be someone else on here that can explain noise better than me:thinking:
I use a program called Noiseware Community Edition to get rid of noise. Its free to download and works miracles. Just open your photo with this and click go.

I think all photographers have problems with noise at some point.

Thankyou I will give it a go :D
I use a program called Noiseware Community Edition to get rid of noise. Its free to download and works miracles. Just open your photo with this and click go.

I think all photographers have problems with noise at some point.

Cheers i may have a look at that myself, i dont generally get much noise issues as my sensor handles low light pretty well but on the odd occasion do get a bit of noise(y)
I was going to attempt to try and fix up some of these for you, but you have your edit box crossed.
If you look at the top image you will see your skin and background looks very pixelated and not very smooth IE Noisy Sure there must be someone else on here that can explain noise better than me:thinking:

I heard about people taken photos from others so I put that on just incase Im going to try edit some of these now and see what you all think :D
Cheers i may have a look at that myself, i dont generally get much noise issues as my sensor handles low light pretty well but on the odd occasion do get a bit of noise(y)

I downloaded it because I made the mistake in one shoot of having my ISO up too high. (I am still learning all the time.) Couldn't see the noise on the LCD screen and thought they came out fine. Wasn't until I got home I saw all the noise and thought they were beyond repair. I could've cried.

Anyway I found this program and it really is a miracle worker. It saved all those photos and now I wouldn't be without it.

(OMG I sound like one of those adverts don't I?) :LOL:
I downloaded it because I made the mistake in one shoot of having my ISO up too high. (I am still learning all the time.) Couldn't see the noise on the LCD screen and thought they came out fine. Wasn't until I got home I saw all the noise and thought they were beyond repair. I could've cried.

Anyway I found this program and it really is a miracle worker. It saved all those photos and now I wouldn't be without it.

(OMG I sound like one of those adverts don't I?) :LOL:

Haha, you will find that most photos look ok on a 2inch screen:LOL:, which camera do you use, practice taking shots with different iso settings and you will find out the thresholds of the camera, but I always try and shoot using the lowest value i can get away with(y)
I heard about people taken photos from others so I put that on just incase Im going to try edit some of these now and see what you all think :D

You will find that 99% on here will not steal any of your photos and ask before the do anything with them, but i do understand your concerns(y)
I downloaded it because I made the mistake in one shoot of having my ISO up too high. (I am still learning all the time.) Couldn't see the noise on the LCD screen and thought they came out fine. Wasn't until I got home I saw all the noise and thought they were beyond repair. I could've cried.

Anyway I found this program and it really is a miracle worker. It saved all those photos and now I wouldn't be without it.

(OMG I sound like one of those adverts don't I?) :LOL:

ahaha yes :p but some very helpful advice thanks :D
Haha, you will find that most photos look ok on a 2inch screen:LOL:, which camera do you use, practice taking shots with different iso settings and you will find out the thresholds of the camera, but I always try and shoot using the lowest value i can get away with(y)

I got a Canon 350D. I have learnt a very valueable lesson from that shoot now believe me. Now my laptop comes to every shoot with me and I check the photos before I leave. ;)
From what i know of that camera I think in the right conditions will take iso 800 ok but noise becomes more noticeable at 1600, i may be wrong though!
From what i know of that camera I think in the right conditions will take iso 800 ok but noise becomes more noticeable at 1600, i may be wrong though!

Yes thats what I have come to realise now. I don't use 1600 any more. I have learnt to use the shutter speed verses the ISO for more options.
I have changed The first pic :D I think there is quite an improvement :D still could be improved but if you put the pics side by side you can see a change :D
what do you guys think?

I think the background may still be a bit grainy?
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I have changed The first pic :D I think there is quite an improvement :D still could be improved but if you put the pics side by side you can see a change :D
what do you guys think?

Yes that is better. Still not perfect but a big change from before. Did you use that program?
That is my next project. Light Trails!! I have seen some amazing ones on here. What lens and shutter speed did you use?

This was done using some LED Lights i had made from an old disco setup then ISO 400, F5.6 and 294 30sec exposures stacked ontop of each other