Snetterton BSB practice. Part 2.

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Another half dozen pics from the cold, wet and windy Snetterton BSB practice weekend.......






Some nice shots there!

Like the colours and shapes in #1 but would have liked it (IMHO) if you did not include the bit of dead space in front of the bike fairing - fill the frame with bike...

Your other shots seem to get better as they go on and I base this on the tyres. Yes tread varies but you seem to get better and better from #2 to last in showing movement in the tread.

The b/g colours are also a bit pale and do not do justice to the shots:shrug:

Do show some more(y)
Hi Anton, thanks for the comments.
Re: The first pic, I liked how the fairing shape and lines of the paint job "worked", - to me it looks like a large smile - hence I needed the outline. But the background was cluttered (truck one side and loads of people the other) and I was unable to lose it completely.


Re: The backgrounds - I tend to like them dull and uninteresting, and that weekend they were certainly that! Plus there was the remains of the snow/sleet/hail still in the grass at times. Pics are largely untweaked - in camera jpegs batch processed etc, so could benefit from a bit individual CS2 attention.


I like 1. Nice clear detail shot. The last one for me though. I like the way the bike fills the frame and the colours. Next time ask the riders to wear clear visors as i put in the previous thread :D.
Hi Matt, thanks for the comments. Re: the visors - I think they were wearing dark visors so that we would not see the expressions on their faces - it was not good out there!
Thanks for the more pix(y)

I sorely miss my two wheels but haven't been on one for 16 years:eek::eek::eek:

That makes me feel old:bonk:

Love to see more:nuts:
Er.... I'm no expert...... basically I pushed my way to the front of the other people and shot up close with a "standard" lens, probably at f2.8. I tend to squint my eyes and look for patterns/shapes that stand out from the blurriness - but as I have said before, I take pics for me - if other people do not like them it does not bother me, but vice-versa I will always try their suggestions - I am never to old to learn.
I live about five miles from the race track, and used to practically live there untill my daughter was born twelve years ago, (Plus her mother used to work there as well!!), and I used to live and breathe bikes.
Apart from one evening last year when I had a look, this was the first time I had been back to the track..........I'm not sure which is harder to beat - depression or an addiction to bikes....:):):)
I live about five miles from the race track, and used to practically live there untill my daughter was born twelve years ago, (Plus her mother used to work there as well!!), and I used to live and breathe bikes.
Apart from one evening last year when I had a look, this was the first time I had been back to the track..........I'm not sure which is harder to beat - depression or an addiction to bikes....:):):)

Your lucky day, the doctor is in and ready to see you immediately.

Get enough exposure to bikes - preferably your own...:LOL:(y)
I would love to, but the bank manager says No:nono::nono::nono:
Mind you, I have to start saving soon as I have told my daughter that she Is going to have a bike for her 17th birthday....(y)(y)(y)
I would love to, but the bank manager says No:nono::nono::nono:
Mind you, I have to start saving soon as I have told my daughter that she Is going to have a bike for her 17th birthday....(y)(y)(y)

That is a good father!!:LOL: