S'no funny anymore

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I've been waiting for the chance to go and shoot some of the snowy scenes against some colour and on Friday, the sun finally played along with the plan.

Sadly I was trundling down the M4 just as the sun popped out a few minutes before it's bedtime. I got to the next junction as fast as I could through the mush and pegged it down the hill towards Bath looking for somewhere with a glimpse of the little orb. Arrived with seconds to spare and grabbed a couple of frames. Not much but enough to make me feel like I caught it. :D



Not on my machine now and these look far too light and washed out on this monitor. Hopefully I didn't mess up the processing. :shrug:
Second one is my pick and it looks fine to me :)
I love these, though I am a bit of a sucker for snow pics!

Number two is my favourite, really great shots x
The first one looks great to me, the second looks a little bright but my monitor is not calibrated so it might be fine.
Ta Rick, looking on my machine (which is overdue a calibration session) they look like I wanted them to. Could well be a tad over bright for your tastes of course.

Second one is my pick and it looks fine to me :)
Cheers Robert, Probably my favourite too. Although looking back, perhaps I should have stopped for a second to consider what the very best shot on offer was. Rather than running about like a headless chicken for 40 seconds trying to get it all. The adrenalin rush of racing the light and just getting there in time is always good though.

I love these, though I am a bit of a sucker for snow pics!

Number two is my favourite, really great shots x
Thanks, I do seem to have been stopping on almost every journey over the last week or so to try and grab some scene that has wowed me.

2 is a little beauty !

Agree no 2 is great.
Thanking you gents. I did get another similar but in the few seconds that passed between the two, the glow on the snow had faded.


Shutter speed a little too low to freeze the dust bunny running around in the field.
Love them both, the sky gives a cold scene some warmth.
Love them all. Worth the effort to take them I think :)
Well worth trudging around in some slush for. Second for me too :)

At least you had snow! I've been watching the forecast eagerly anticipating snow. I want to try to recreate a shot than Snowden took for the Pirelli calendar in 1990 in Russia. Have we had snow? Have we e'ck! Well, only an inch or two and I need SNOW!!! bugger...........
Sunlight takes just under 9 minutes to reach Earth ... that gave you the time you needed. Excellent pictures btw.
Holy time travel. Cheers Mark. :LOL:
Mark, you are causing chaos here. I thought we were having an early autumn, and suddenly its midwinter.
Is this revenge for having what must be the most ever glowing posts for your (rather brilliant) lightning shot?
Toby, climate change is causing the chaos, certainly not me mate - and totally unrelated to anything with regard to my lightning shot - upon which you made no comment until now. What should we conclude from that? :sulk:
Toby, climate change is causing the chaos, certainly not me mate - and totally unrelated to anything with regard to my lightning shot - upon which you made no comment until now. What should we conclude from that? :sulk:

Yes, I know. I thought you were doing rather well without me. I was planning to pounce at some point, maybe at around 99!

I admit to having also dreamed up a nifty scheme of running a new thread just to celebrate you falling off the bottom of the first page so that the rest of us could get a look in, but it doesn't seem as if its going to happen anytime soon..
Yes, I know. I thought you were doing rather well without me. I was planning to pounce at some point, maybe at around 99!

I admit to having also dreamed up a nifty scheme of running a new thread just to celebrate you falling off the bottom of the first page so that the rest of us could get a look in, but it doesn't seem as if its going to happen anytime soon..
dammit Moriarty! ... it's lonely at the top, mate. :shrug:​