Wild Snow Buntings, crop added

They are just beautiful. A bird I'd love to see but never have, but one that does visit not too far away from me at this time of year, so maybe there's hope - if only work didn't keep getting in the way.
They are just beautiful. A bird I'd love to see but never have, but one that does visit not too far away from me at this time of year, so maybe there's hope - if only work didn't keep getting in the way.
Good luck in seeing one, thank you for taking a look.

Really nice, lovely shots

Thanks Andrew :)
The third shot for me Michael, as I think the bird on the right shows off the plumage best, has a decent pose and, if enlarged and cropped, would give a decent image of this delicate bird. Can that be done?

Will have a look at some point, Hadn't looked at it that way. Thank you

A fine set (y)

Thanks very much for looking.