Snowdonia shot - keep or delete?

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This is the first shot I've posted in a while, the weather hasn't been great for landscape shots here in North Wales even though we've had decent snow catching the mountains not shrouded in mist has been more luck than judgement

This is from this morning & not really the shot I went for, Snowdon was swamped by cloud again unfortunately

Would appreciate peoples thoughts on this one



It is a pleasing image and not for the bin in my book. I can see why you'd ask though, it does lack some of that instant impact and outright quality in most of your images we see.
Keep. Not super fantastic amazing wow, but pretty good. My £0.02, I'd crop a little off the bottom and b&w it.
The sheer fact that you live in or near Snowdonia makes me :crying: - it's one of my fav places. This shot is good - not outstanding, bit still good. Defo not for the bin.
Not one of your usual, but we can only do what the light allows. Nice atmospheric shot, dramatic sky and definitely not one for the bin.
I like it and it obviously depicts the area so why not keep it unless you have a better shot of course. ;)
Due to the textured nature of the landscape the mono is working really well and i think I prefer it ;)
If you have the raw file still try a WB change to tungsten, snowy mountains and water suit it well;)
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Thanks everyone for the feedback...I definitely consider myself fortunate to live so close to Snowdonia, stunning place..

I tried the Tungsten WB but didn't quite work.

I've decided that although I'm not 100% happy with it I'll kepp the mono conversion but ideally we'll have a little more snow but this time together with some nice lighting - it'll give me an excuse to revisit again to try & catch the shots I actually went for this time !!

Maybe a touch soft but a good composition,Llyn Gwynant by any chance

That's the place, one of THE classic views in Snowdonia

Not being funny or anything but to be honest I find it difficult to judge "soft" or not images at this size posted on the web so no offence but don't usually take much notice of those comments :shrug: Obviously I have the advantage of the full res file (y)

TBH it looks a teeny bit over processed to me. The grass and the road (I assume it's a road and not a stream) don't look quite right to me. I think I'd maybe turn the saturation down a little and perhaps (as has already been said) crop a bit from the bottom.

Such things are down to personal taste and I think that all in all it's a very nice shot and you shouldn't be thinking of putting it in the bin.
I'd keep it and have a play - I can't help thinking it's all there with the right treatment. Is it showing a blue cast?
I like it but I agree with The Matt that it needs a bit cropping off the bottom, I think the lake is a bit too central and needs bringing down.
Have you tried cropping about a 3rd from the bottom? It's a nice shot anyway though.