Snowy swan

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Hi all

Comments & crits welcome on this swan picture, captured this weekend on a frozen lake at Big Waters Nature Reserve in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Thanks in advance

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I agree with the above re a bit more detail in the snow.

Not sure what your composition was but it would be nice to see the footprints start at the top left corner and the swans shadow not cut off.

Otherwise those a very nice simple yet effective shot.
I think its great composition wise.

But even at small size it leaves a feeling of being not quite right - having the details slightly smeared like a painting effect (on swan in particular). Opening up bigger size reveals slightly more - it looks as though the excessive amount of NR was applied. To me personally its just looking slightly unnatural (not sure if this effect is what you were after).
Thanks for the feedback. In retrospect I wish I'd got the entire shadow of the swan in as it looks odd cut off as it is. Agree on the shot looking over-sharpened, will have a look back at the Raw. I do have a wider shot on my Flickr photostream showing where the swan waddled (do swans waddle?!) from, not sure if I can add the link from my phone but if not I'll add it when I get home tonight.

One thing I don't think helped is that my 55-250 lens seems quite soft at its far end, as this almost was. Time to save for some new glass maybe :)

Thanks again, Graeme
Agree on the shot looking over-sharpened, will have a look back at the Raw. I do have a wider shot on my Flickr photostream showing where the swan waddled (do swans waddle?!) from, not sure if I can add the link from my phone but if not I'll add it when I get home tonight.

I can see it on the second shot as well but mostly on swan (less on the non snow background). To me it does not look much like oversharpened (but perhaps it is an effect caused by some sharpening settings) but more like luminance noise reduction followed by sharpening (the NR smears the details and sharpening brings out the edges which is usually responsible for this painting like effect). The composition wise I personally liked you original one on pure white better.
I can see it on the second shot as well but mostly on swan (less on the non snow background). To me it does not look much like oversharpened (but perhaps it is an effect caused by some sharpening settings) but more like luminance noise reduction followed by sharpening (the NR smears the details and sharpening brings out the edges which is usually responsible for this painting like effect). The composition wise I personally liked you original one on pure white better.

Thanks for this, yep that makes total sense, great advice thanks & I'll keep it in mind when I'm next trigger-happy with the noise reduction on the raw. Cheers again :)
Very nice, I would be too tempted to get as close in to the swan, then end up missing the shot.