So Excited!!

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Well as you know I'm leaving the country in July. One of the things I said I was going to do before I left this country was go to Crufts. Well for my anniversary my hubby is taking me on Saturday (our anniversary is Sunday). I'm so excited I just can't contain myself. I know some say it is boring but I just love it. Does anyone know if I will get hassled with my camera?? I'm jumping for joy!
I've always wanted to go...I love dogs...but Ive never got round to it.

Love the gundogs, working dogs etc best.
Nice, i was thinking of taking a trip to crufts on the utility group day (miniture schnauzer owner)

I don't think you'll have a problem with a camera :)

Why you leaving the country........matty hasn't been stalking you has he :cautious:
Basically I can make the same amount in my home town but buy a 3k square foot house on 1 acre for roughly 65gbp... Plainly even though my husband and I both make decent money we can't afford to live here. I'm going home in April to buy a house and then leaving for good in July. And of course even from across the pond I'll stay with TP!
Basically I can buy a 3k square foot house on 1 acre for roughly 65gbp...

£65 for a house?? :eek: :eek: :eek: Surely you mean £65K? ;)

We are seriously considering emigrating to the States. We have a holiday planned in November to scout out the area, with a view to emigrating in the next couple of years for the exact same reasons.
went to crufts a few years ago, border collies every where, wonderful
I've never been myself but my sister has shown her Rottweillers there.
£65 for a house?? :eek: :eek: :eek: Surely you mean £65K? ;)

We are seriously considering emigrating to the States. We have a holiday planned in November to scout out the area, with a view to emigrating in the next couple of years for the exact same reasons.

Woops yes 65k. Of course it depends on where you live but there are so many places where the cost of living is much better.

I am going for the terrier and hound groups.
Lucky you! I've always wanted to go too but never got around to it. Was watching the preview on the TV earlier on and laughing at Clare Balding's shockingly behaved pooch!
Yes The Cat Show. (or pussy parade!!) :D :LOL: