So... I quit smoking....... Did you ????

Chris Flick
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I have quit smoking as of new years day and I am really happy to be doing as well as I am. I have smoked for about 14 years and I am really surprised at how focused I am on not smoking, It's not easy but I am not using any patches or any aids but I will get through this

I was thinking of doing a photo diary on TP of the quitting process showing different emotions each day but the I decided against it because I imagined all the emotions to be the same :( but I was wrong and wish I would have done the diary now.

Did you quit and how are you doing ???????
I quit in August and caved mightily on news years eve lmao (boy, did I get THAT the wrong way round!). A couple of days of tabbing it after that and I've now quit again lol.
I quit almost 5 years ago and it feels great - you need to put your ciggy money away every day without fail - at the end of the month go and buy yourself something with the money (don't spend it on anyone but YOU).

You will eat more, but only cos everything tastes great, so make sure you get plenty of fruit and veg, even that tastes nice ;)

Your skin will soon look and feel healthier and your heart will be saying thank you within weeks.

I gave up about 10 years ago.. I used a patch for about 2 weeks then bought some herbal fags from the chemist.. a quid for 20.. theres obviously no nicotine just herbs... But they stink... Smoked them for about a year and then stopped.. no nicotine in that year so it was a breeze to stop smoking..
2 days now, still going strong with hardly any cravings. Just taking it one day at a time.
Went strong from NYE and kind of caved tonight with a small jazz fag, but otherwise I'm not finding it too bad :)

Thought I'd quit so I can finally make it down a mountain in one go on my snowboard
been a non smoker for ~ 3 1/2 years now, i smoked for 14 years, just remember though, you aren't actually giving anything up, just gaining your health and lots of spare money :D
Wez is very, very right.......

I tried and failed many times.
I've used almost every method I can think of.
I've got sooooo many reasons to stop, but I just cannot do it.
I even know why I can't.......
Because I cannot bring myself to believe that I DO NOT enjoy it.

I very much hope I can gain something from this thread........
I feel as though I may as well stop trying to give up :crying:
Thanks for all the comments

The way I am looking at it is, Once you have done one day the hardest part is over. If you start again after even one day then you have wasted a day and Im not into wasting my own time.

AND ------------------------------------------------------------170 ish days means THIS for free
I tried and failed many times.

I must have tried a couple of hundred times.. some days I caught myself having a fag mid afternoon and suddenly remembering i gave up that morning.. it was such an automated thing I was smoking without thinking.

I've used almost every method I can think of.

Hve you tried herbal cigerretes.. less than 3 quid for 20 .. get used to smoking them for as long as you want... then its easier to give up..

But to be honest I dont think its what you use.. I tried hundreds of times with different methods... I dont know why it finally worked.. maybe the moon was passing over the right planet or soemhting..

I feel as though I may as well stop trying to give up :crying:


I'm a big believer in Alan Carr's book. I tried and failed many times to stop. Reading his book really changed my attitude and made stopping easy.

I bought the book for several friends and I reckon it had about 60% success. Strangely it had no success with women and most of the people who didn't stop admitted later that they had not finished the book.

Gave up May 27th 2005 and it was surprising how much I haven't missed it. It probably helped that I was so ill at the time that I couldn't smoke so it gave me a few days head start. Also the missus decided to quit with me so that helped a lo, not sure if it would have been that easy had she carried on smoking.

Flick 5848, best of luck with it, it's not too late to start that photo diary. Even 365s don't have to start on 1st January. ;)
No seeing any change to my finances being a roll-up smoker - still, there's no harm in spending a litle on what you want :)
Wez is very, very right.......

I tried and failed many times.
I've used almost every method I can think of.
I've got sooooo many reasons to stop, but I just cannot do it.
I even know why I can't.......
Because I cannot bring myself to believe that I DO NOT enjoy it.

I very much hope I can gain something from this thread........
I feel as though I may as well stop trying to give up :crying:

Next cigarette you smoke, analyze it deeply, and try and figure out exactly what you like about it, concentrate on the taste of the smoke as it goes into your throat, and as you exhale, i guarantee there will be nothing enjoyable about it.

I'm a big believer in Alan Carr's book. I tried and failed many times to stop. Reading his book really changed my attitude and made stopping easy.

I bought the book for several friends and I reckon it had about 60% success. Strangely it had no success with women and most of the people who didn't stop admitted later that they had not finished the book.


I bought this book and i didn't even need to finish it, i quit when i started to read it, i knew i wanted to quit, which is the difference between success and failure, you have to want to quit 100%, not just because you can't afford it etc, you'll find excuses.

I've still got a copy of this book in my drawer in the bedroom, i'd be happy to donate it at the cost of postage if anyone wants it, i definitely don't need it :D
No, never been a smoker. But I did quit alcohol at the New Year - so far so good. I plan to keep it up for at least 5 months whilst I train for a marathon. Thereafter we'll see. :)
I quit after reading Allan Carr's book......totally recommend it

I was smoking for about 10 or so years and was smoking about 30 roll ups a day at the end....gross

Read the book to please my partner.....didnt really even have any intention of giving up although I had tried before....and that was it....I read the last page.....I was a non smoker

brilliant! That was 3 years ago I think...I cant even remember as I didnt really even count the time!
Packed up December 19th 2 years ago.
Decided to use the savings on camera gear.
Best thing I ever did !

Good luck to you,

i was doing well until monday when i got home and my house had been broken into!! annoys me that I know that smoking doesnt help, and yet at the time it seemed to.
Just gotta ditch the routine and i'll be fine. As of Saturday i'm gonna go smoke free again, I think 1 bacon roll to replace every cigarette should do the trick :)
Well done and try and keep it up, just keep your hands and mind busy.

I gave up about 10 months ago cold turkey :) and haven't looked back , don't even miss it, although being an ex smoker i'm so much more aware of the stench fag smoke can leave on your clothes when in the company of other smokers :puke:

Can't believe i never noticed it before :eek: makes you wonder what all the people you've ever sat next to after having a ciggie must've though :thinking:

Not really saved any money though, just found other habits like coffee and bacon rolls
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Both of us gave up in March 2007, doing well over 100 a day between us and had been smokers for over 35 years.

Christine used patches for about 3 months, I used 1 for 2 days and realised I'd forgotten to change it and it hadn't made a difference to me. We both still miss them on the odd occassion and for some strange reason the time I really want one is when they show the anti-smoking ads on tv.

We both put on over 4 stone in weight and are now working hard to lose that BUT we've both noticed a dramatic increase in our health - sniffles for a day or two as compared to 4 - 6 weeks of bronchitis.
Good luck to you all - let's hope we all stick to it.
Try putting this on your PC to keep you inspired

I gave up 18 months ago and so far have saved nearly £6000, frightening to think I nearly burnt that much away.

God luck to all who are trying hope you succeed, it was nearly 10 months before I stopped wanting to smoke, but now I can't stand the smell :eek:
Downside was that the first winter I got just about every bug going, never been so ill in my life !!!!
i was doing well until monday when i got home and my house had been broken into!! annoys me that I know that smoking doesnt help, and yet at the time it seemed to.
Just gotta ditch the routine and i'll be fine. As of Saturday i'm gonna go smoke free again, I think 1 bacon roll to replace every cigarette should do the trick :)

sorry about the break in, and now i'm going to sound harsh, but if you are serious about giving, you cannot use excuses like that to smoke again, it's the nicotine winning, also why wait till Saturday to start stopping again, why not now? You need to change your frame of mind and that attitude tells me that you are half hearted about giving up.

I speak from experience, i tried giving up three time prior, best i did was 3/4 of a day because i wasn't 100% commited to stopping. I tried patches and gum and even the inhalater thing and failed.

When i finally did quit, i used nothing but will power, i knew i would succeed because it was the right time. I smoked my last three ciggies and said bye bye smoker.

[/Allen Carr]
i've stopped before so I know I can do it. Not harsh of you to say at all. Like i said I knew it wouldn't really solve anything by have a smoke, but it killed time until the police arrived.
I also prefer to set a date, so i know that on that day i'm gonna do it. Plus at the weekend I can occupy myself to take my mind off it and get over the first few days without nicotine. seems to help.

Maybe i'll take my car to bits and rebuild it in my front room on saturday,.. then reverse the process on sunday :D
Great to hear about people quiting, :clap: i been quit just over 3 years now, still have a few time's i would like to smoke but nothing to bad, every person is different... Down load quit keeper v1.08 that will help you keep in touch with the progress of your quit.

My stats show here.

I have been quit for 3 Years, 3 Weeks, 5 Days, 7 hours, 50 minutes and 42 seconds (1,122 days). I have saved £4,208.71 by not smoking 16,834 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Month, 3 Weeks, 6 Days, 10 hours and 50 minutes of my life.
Yea I have downloaded the quit keeper and my stats are :-

I have been quit for 1 Week, 4 minutes and 20 seconds (7 days). I have saved £31.24 by not smoking 119 cigarettes. I have saved 9 hours and 55 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 01/01/2009 22:23
i was doing well until monday when i got home and my house had been broken into!! annoys me that I know that smoking doesnt help, and yet at the time it seemed to.
Just gotta ditch the routine and i'll be fine. As of Saturday i'm gonna go smoke free again, I think 1 bacon roll to replace every cigarette should do the trick :)

I'm liking the sound of that last bit - bacon sarnies with brown sauce mmmmmmmmmmm…

At least you're recognising that you want to give up. It's better to give up for a few days and know the good feeling you get from doing it, than not give up at all and jus feel pain $hite
i havent quit because i dont have the mindset yet, when i do i will.
:clap: (y) [S4]Well done!!!![/S4]

Do you now feel more in control of your life? I think some folk give up dieting or exercising as they feel they cannot really effect things which isn't true.

More updates please and :clap:
I'm still smoke free, but back at work tomorrow (although from home, as the car has to have a service).... Got to drive 2.5hrs to Reading on Tuesday, which will be tough.

19 days though.....
I am still going strong too, Keep up the good work people

"I have been quit for 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 12 hours, 42 minutes and 39 seconds (16 days). I have saved £73.76 by not smoking 280 cigarettes. I have saved 23 hours and 20 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 01/01/2009 22:23"
congrats, the first 3 weeks are the hardest, get past them and you've cracked it :D