so if money is supposed to be tight...

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Yes come virtually the entire male population of the UK under 35 has gone out and bought an entire wardrobe full of lumberjack shirts from Superdry this year? :thinking:

Sorry, my mind is wandering, think need more tea...:bonk:
No lumberjack shirts for me. Just a 550d!

I know what I'd rather have in a few years time too!

Plus I look man enough anyway!!! come virtually the entire male population of the UK under 35 has gone out and bought an entire wardrobe full of lumberjack shirts from Superdry this year? :thinking:

Sorry, my mind is wandering, think need more tea...:bonk:

I'm more worried about the growing number of male population wearing polo shirts with all the buttons done up. Seems there is an ever growing population that Mummy still gets dressed in the morning.
Wearing a polo shirt, just the one button undone. My rule is if it has two buttons, leave one undone. If it has three buttons, one undone is conservative. Two undone is more relaxed.

Just realised I have a rule and now feeling like a saddo!
perhaps they've all seen "HOT SHOTS"

where Ramada says...

''..... I don't want to be alone. And by the way... I can go all night, like a lumberjack! ''
I don't get the whole lumberjack shirt thing!

Having said that, I got bought a Superdry T-shirt as a birthday present and didn't have a clue that is was a status/fashion thing til my 12 year old niece and her friend said "Cooooool!!! You've got a Superdry t-shirt" :LOL:
completely packed a primark bag to the brim the other day, only came to £2.50 lol, no there are a lot of sales on at the moment. come virtually the entire male population of the UK under 35 has gone out and bought an entire wardrobe full of lumberjack shirts from Superdry this year? :thinking:

Sorry, my mind is wandering, think need more tea...:bonk:

NURSE! He's out of bed again. :LOL:
I thought superdry was something useful like it dried more quickly. Didn't realise it is actually some daft fashion brand name!
They're pretty much the only shirt I wear, kinda goes with my forum name though :)

And yes I do have a couple from SuperDry, for a fashion brand, they're surprisingly good quality.
BandyQuill said:
i have one... when when i went to a cowboy/indian party... lets put it this way... it wont be worn again... looked like a massive w***er

Not laughed that hard for a while!
flossie said: come virtually the entire male population of the UK under 35 has gone out and bought an entire wardrobe full of lumberjack shirts from Superdry this year? :thinking:

Sorry, my mind is wandering, think need more tea...:bonk:

Lol I must say at first I did want one but then I thought I don't really want to look like a big butch lesbi... u know the rest.
Awww come on .... a lumberjack shirt's a must for a night out on the town .