So what was your first slr or dslr?

a Zenit E, again back in the 80's
Mine was a Sony a390 last year :LOL: ( 1st DSLR) closely followed by a Sony a580 and then a Sony a700 and just recently a Sony a65

who knows whats next :LOL:

Les (y)
Zenith E & 58mm Helios lens - was a cracking 13th birthday present, and I still miss it!!
My first was a black Canon AE-1 when I was 14, I loved that camera :D
As I recall, first SLR was an Olympus OM1 in the late 70's.
My first SLR (well, it was my dad's really, but posession is 9/10ths of the law) was a Minolta something or other in the late '70's
The first of my own was an Olympus OM30 followed by a couple more in the OM Series.
They were followed by a Nikon F3 until someone stole it.
After that, I went digital. My first DSLR was a Canon 10D.
Mine was a Sony a390 last year :LOL: ( 1st DSLR) closely followed by a Sony a580 and then a Sony a700 and just recently a Sony a65

Wow, :eek: Sony must love you. ;) :LOL:

My first camera was a Zenit E in the mid 80's. I think it was 'only' £25.

That was a lot for me at the time, and the way things are going, it's still a lot. :( :LOL:
A Zenit for me too. Then onto an Olympus OM10 a few years later.
A Thornton Pickard half plate, back in about 1961. It was old then.

Thought that would throw you:)
There's nothing new about SLR cameras...
First SLR - a Praktica PL Nova 1 with a Meyer Domiplan 50mm f/2.8, purchased circa 1978 when I was about 11.

For old times' sake, I recently bought another one in quite nice nick for little over a fiver.

First DSLR - Canon 300D, 2004.
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Praktica MTL3 with 50mm Pentacon, to which I quickly added a Helios 135mm. Must have been 1980/81, I think. Nostalgia only overrides experience so far and I'd never have another!
I did, however, buy an M.E. Super a year or two after and I have two of those now, which I'm keeping :)
Practika MTL-3 with 50mm lens, still got the first set of negatives and prints which I processed myself..... :geek:

That was the 70's now only a distant memory:clap:
Zenit EM - if I remember correctly it had a new fangled automatic diaphragm control.

No more forgetting to stop the lens down :D.

My first SLR was a Zeiss Ikon Contaflex, inherited from my Grandfather.

It was manual all the way - so a hand held exposure meter to determine aperture / Shutter, then manual focus. Only had the 50 f/2.8 that came with it.

When I got it right, the prints were great, but at the time it was just too much effort to figure out (no internet to help :) ).

Many years later I got a Sony A200, superseded by an A700 and earlier this year an A900.
Practical MTL 5B, 50mm Pentacon screw mount. 1985?
Followed by a Chinon CP7m, then loads of other stuff.
Ricoh FF9 in late 80's, (87/88/89 if memory serves!), Fuji S7000 2005/2006, countless point and shoots (mainly canon Ixus range), Samsung NX10 a few years back and now a 60D.
grandparent's TLR was my first camera, can't remember the brand :(

first SLR was one with split focus screen, can't remember the brand. :(

first digital was a Sony point and shoot. then a few mobile phones.

first DSLR is my current D3100.

(there was a time when going on holiday, i'd bring both manual SLR and the digital point and shoot)
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Praktica LLC. It had electrical connections between the lens and the body so that you could meter at full aperture (y)
Bought in the early 70s with a 50mm lens, I then collected lenses up to 300mm and I still have it all.
The meter does not work, the frame counter does not work and occasionally the mirror jams up ( released by using the mechanical timer :D )
I had a Praktica LTL3. The best I could afford as an impecunious student back in 1978. It had a light meter.....whooohooo!!

I left it in a taxi in Bristol back in 1983 and never saw it again.
My first SLR was a Centon DF-300 which I was given for Christmas in about 1994.
I can't remember what the two lenses I had were. But I remember I went and bought the Centon 500mm F8 Mirror lens.

First (and so far only) DSLR was the Canon 400D which is still doing me just fine..... for now :nuts:
Zenit B with F2 58mm, and a tiny darkroom under the stairs, (with a Meopta enlarger as it had a sloping column so I could get in there as well). Served me from the age of about 13 until after University when picked up an old Canon F1.
Still have the Canon and bought an Olympus E-500 with kit lenses second hand, and a succession of other Olys since.
Pretty good at buying stuff, but lousy at getting round to sell anything.
My first SLR was a Centon DF-300 which I was given for Christmas in about 1994.
I can't remember what the two lenses I had were. But I remember I went and bought the Centon 500mm F8 Mirror lens.

First (and so far only) DSLR was the Canon 400D which is still doing me just fine..... for now :nuts:

Ditto on the Centon! I had the mirror lens, the 50mm also I think. Also got extension tubes and the jessops flash. Everything was so cheap for it so you could get shed loads of different things to mess about with.