Some graduation portraits

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Hi all,

Due to sadly missing my mrs graduation down in london, we decided to recreate the day so she could have some photos of her in her gown so went for a little walk to the town centre (and got some hilarious looks on the way!)

The weather was rubbish and I don't have a flash yet so I had to make do with dull, extremely windy and cold conditions, which wasn't ideal!

Anyway I'm quite happy with how they turned out. All straight out of the camera with no editing:

Ellies Graduation
by jjohnson2012, on Flickr

Ellies Graduation
by jjohnson2012, on Flickr

Ellies Graduation
by jjohnson2012, on Flickr

Ellies Graduation
by jjohnson2012, on Flickr

Oh and a colour one

Ellies Graduation
by jjohnson2012, on Flickr

Comments welcome
#2's good. Just looking on phone - is it completely sharp? Nice idea and I think you did pretty well. Maybe tweak curves to improve contrast a touch?
Lovely set of images, 2 and 4 are the best for me. 2 due to the isolation from the background and pose. 4 because of the framing in the door, symmetry, textures etc. And 5 is good as it has the best expression but maybe an alternative crop would help it to lose a little bit more of the background and space above the head.
Love love LOVE the colour one. Stands out a mile for me. Could do as mentioned above with a slightly tighter crop. The B&W's do nothing for me I'm afraid.
Congrats to your Mrs though!
Colour version work fro me too, maybe as said a tighter crop to loose the dead space beyond the edge of the building

Les ;)
I think you've got a good set of images. : I particularly like the first two.