Some heavily HDR/Tone Mapped beach shots... with the Oly 7-14mm

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Hi All

Back yesterday from our long weekend away in Sandymouth, Cornwall for Heathers rugby tour, and what a wonderful weekend we have had... awesome time.

Anyway, I wanted to try out the uber-wide 7-14mm lens, and am extremely grateful to a friend of mine for the loan of his. I took loads of shots, and with the ultra wide angle capability of it, wanted to take advantage of the wonderful beach and cliff scenery down there in beautiful North Cornwall, so decided I'd have a stab at some HDR/Tonemapping effects. The only thing was... d'oh, stupid me, I forgot my tripod!

So, all the AE Bracketed shots were taken handheld - which is not the best for merging images, especially in low(ish) light. I spot that there's movement in a few of them unfortunately, hey ho!

So, without further ado, here's a sample of a few of the shots I took on Sandymouth beach. I appreciate this style is not to everyones tastes, but I'd appreciate feedback nonetheless.




I'm *just* starting to play with the photomatix demo so still very new to HDR and still can't decide if I like it but...
#4 for me carries a moment and atmosphere that I really like.

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:eek: Eye-popping stuff there, MM.

I like the "Alien Surfers" picture :D. They kind of look like they've jsut arrived on Mars, having packed only their surfboards instead of three stout pairs of walking boots :p.

Great camera-work though (y).
stunning shots.
Finally some shots where HDR works

I dont know why people keep advertising that they are HDR though..

loving the 1st 2... and teh surfers.. very nice
I wanna like them...I do. I think the foregrounds, are about as OTT as I would like to see, and the Sky? Well I feel it's TOO apocalyptic to appreciate.

I do like the compositions.

really nice images, I think the usual manufactured feel you get with some HDR images is not as apparent on these, which really adds to them.
I like these a lot.......good job.
A really nice set - not overly done either.

You'd think with all that PP you'd have had time to straighten out the horizon in #2 though ;)