Some ID and improvements needed please!

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A few pics taken from my d7000 (new) and my old 105mm sigma macro lens.

Any thoughts/improvements would be gratefully appreciated as I think I should be able to do a lot better :)


I assume it's just a busy bee, but it's bombing around and I was pleased to use it with just grabbing it as it bombed past...


Wife's costume jewellery. Just to see how my macro works.


Butterfly - unsure what it is! ID needed ideally...


Butterfly - unsure what it is! ID needed ideally...


Tulips from Amsterdam (or from the North of England anyway)

Any comments would be gratefully appreciated, as I feel I could do a lot better than what I have done, especially as it's a new camera and I've not used it at all, today was the first real chance to use it.

Thanks :)
And I hope these are the right size? Thanks
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It was on auto mainly, and on aperture settings; I feel they're okay but far from good - it's frustrating to think that on my old d80 I was able to get far clearer quality despite much older technology. But overall the camera's great, and I'm sure once I've been bedded in, I'll get pics I'm happier with. Hey ho. Tomorrow is a new day :)
I also use a Sigma 105mm and your images look a little on the soft ( out of focus) side

Try using manual focus @ f11 with a flash and use a tripod if you have one - your macro photography will improve no end (y)

shot using 105mm sigma + ring flash - hand held

good luck ;)


Les :D
Les, your pics are superb! I have a lot to do sadly - I have been working hard but seem to be finding the transition to the D7000 huge, and sadly it's pretty annoying at how poor I may be as a photographer :( Grrr. Anyway, it's only a camera, there's a lot more to life than taking pictures isn't there?!
Hi I agree these look a bit soft have you done any pp to them as could do with a little boost the exif says on the first butterfly you used f2.8 and iso 2000 which isnt going to help as les said try f8-16 and try to keep the shutter speed above 1/125 if hand held or subject is moving at all. I had a little play with the butterfly hope you dont mind

Billybob, far superior to my original non PP'ed effort. It's something I need to get into really, as I almost never ever do anything PP based, I just point and shoot. It's certainly a lot more "crisper" than I could achieve :)