Some people just don't 'get' Christmas


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I post on a few forums on the internet, and today I came across this posted by someone who can only be described (in my mind) as a disgusting pillock. Its brought to light the fact that some people only celebrate Christmas because of what they can get out of it.

Anyway, here's the post in full:

Merry Christmas!

I got:

1 ) Matrix Trilogy.
2 ) 1GB Flash Drive.
3 ) Chocolate.
4 ) Game shirts.
5 ) Drawing things.
6 ) A new mouse.
7 ) Some computer magazines.
8 ) Programming book. <<< (coming!)

Yey! And I get another Christmas at my dad's, too! Parents are divorced!

What did you all get?

Its the highlighted line that has really boiled my p***. Why are some people so bloody materialistic and selfish and greedy?? :confused-
Its the sad state of the morons that pull this country down mate..:banghead:
Unfortunately that's how christmas is to a child. It's materialistic, and in all honesty, us adults are to blame.
We treat christmas as a time when good children get toys. bad children dont.
Shops have caught onto this and it's now a heavily commercialised time, with pressure on parents to buy more and more.
Obviously the children in their blind innocence and want for all things shiny, will just keep on asking for more and more, and sentiments like the above become a common thought.

I doubt he meant it in a malicious way, but it's what christmas is about now for most people, and admittedly the massive majority of kids.

As you get older you realise it's not about the presents and what you can get, but the invisible stuff, the family, the getting together, the happiness, the peace and harmony etc.
It all sounds cheesy to a child but is more real as they grow up.

Today, I cooked for 11 of us, My family, My sisters family and my mum and her husband. My other sister was invited but due to a **** of a partner, couldn't come. I offered to do it, so I could have all my family together, as that is what is important to me now. My family.
Luckily my daughter is still too young at 3 to be materialistic.....her favoourite present was a sticker book. Now if only we could follow example with our cameras ;)
my brother came over from switzerland, he hired a house for the week, so we had his family, my family, my sister and her son, and my mum and dad all together, thats the first time in over 20 years!!!! I didnt get any presents, as i didnt want anyone spending their cash on me, if i want anything i go and buy it, but for me, it was the family being together like that that was so special. it was great!
Matty said:
I didnt get any presents, as i didnt want anyone spending their cash on me, if i want anything i go and buy it, but for me, it was the family being together like that that was so special. it was great!

Cannot agree more Matty..:thumb:

There are lots of people that still hate Christmas... I love it.

I can't answer why other than we get a holiday from work, Its a time to be happy and as Matty says you get family round to see you.

There is a lot of precious things in life. But nothing as precious as your family. Period..;)
busterboy said:
There is a lot of precious things in life. But nothing as precious as your family. Period..;)

Agree fully...have taken year out from work to spend time with my 3 year old daughter as she grows up. So easy to miss those moments & you can't get them back.
I think it's wrong to call this person a disgusting pillock. I also visit other forums, and most, including this one, have a thread called 'what did santa bring you?' or something similar.

What's disgusting is the zero-conscience of those that sell 'today's Christmas'. I don't how old this person is, but his list is not particularly OTT.

His/her reference to a second Christmas, is probably just a light-hearted remark, not one that was meant to be taken so gratuitously
As I said, I have a problem with his attitude, not his list.
It does seem like a light-hearted jocular comment, which is fine.

I think what GfK is getting at, is that many people today seem to think that's all about the presents and what they can get, rather than the bigger picture of it being a day for family and the things in life that are free, that we all take for granted.
Maybe he doesn't get to spend much time with his dad and is happy that he can?
Steep said:
Maybe he doesn't get to spend much time with his dad and is happy that he can?
Yes I'm sure that's what it is :suspect1:
Moneys been a bit tight the last few months, so iv been double shifting to pay for the goodies for my daughter at xmas,
i asked her what she wanted more than anything for xmas,
she said "my dad not working double shifts just to please me"
made my christmas.
Madpup said:
i asked her what she wanted more than anything for xmas,
she said "my dad not working double shifts just to please me"
made my christmas.

I'd forgotten all about the religeous aspect of Christmas to be honest...thats well gone for me.

I like listening to the Christmas Carols, it reminds me of my days at Junior school and I love seeing the look on my wifes' face and the kids' faces when they open their presents.

They have all been through piles of cr@p with her ex and it gives me a warm glow to see them contented, happy and excited.

Money can't buy that.
I'll die with a smile on my face knowing I did something good.
I agree christmas has become so commercial its unreal, ive had to work extra shifts to cover the cost, my wife works now, the kids are at an age where its hard to by for them, unless its a pc, or a playstation etc.

Loads of pressure for one bl**dy day, but on that day, its a pleasure seeing their faces as they open their presents, organising a big dinner and kids sat contented for at least the 25th. Was all worth it, now its time to pay of the debts and get ready for next year :))
I had some great presents from relatives but the highlight for me was Mum's face when she opened the voucher for her Introduction to Falconry day as its something she's always wanted to do. She usually asks for boring practical presents like stuff for the house as she doesn't want us spending too much etc so this year I told her she didn't have a choice in what she got. She was a bit put out until Xmas morning :D
Thankfully, my kids are too small to realise the pressures that parents are under to help them keep up with their peers. And my Xmas? Other than a combined Birthday/Xmas pressy from me mum and sister (flash head and accessories) I got very little - but that really didn't matter. To me, the look on the kids' faces when they came downstairs and saw the Xmas tree all lit up made it for me. That is what Xmas is all about to me.