Beginner Some pictures at work

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Although I started photography at the start of the year, I must have only used the camera about 10 times! Almost everytime was motorsport aswell. My goal for next year is to get out a lot more. I dusted the camera down today and took a few pictures at work :)

by honda224, on Flickr

by honda224, on Flickr

by honda224, on Flickr

by honda224, on Flickr
are those the parts for cartier repairs??...:D
joking of course
that is my type of interesting shot...bits of machinery and such
no 1 is the winner
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Thanks very much! I had a little play on pp with number 1. I didn't know weather it was too much. :)
Like Geoff I like the first one the second is quite good too.

The PP is helping IMO maybe even try pushing a bit further.
Awsome thanks very much! I'll have a bit more play with it. Not used to these positive comments! :D
Try avoid using direct flash mate as you cause very "hard" shadows on objects. This refers to a bold shadow being cast by a strong light, compared to a diffused shadow that is caused from a softer light (where the line of the shadow is far harder to make out, giving a more natural look). If you are struggling to keep a decent shutter speed due to the poor internal lighting, try raising your ISO. If that doesn't help, try setting your camera on a flat surface and using the delayed shutter option to take a long exposure shot instead to give a superior lighting to your shots. Hope this helps.

Good start!
Thanks for that! Yeah a better flash is on my list of items to buy so I can bounce the flash and use diffusers. I tried higher ISO but as I was in a dingey garage the light was very bad resulting in noisey images which is why i went for the on camera flash. I also don't have a tripod so long exposures where out of the question (lots of camera shake) it was more just to get the camera out of the bag and fire away moment nothing planned or thought about. Again thanks for the help!