Some shots from New York

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Thanks to everyone for the advice on film choice and lens choices in this thread:

In the end I took several rolls of Ilford XP2 for my Minolta X500 plus a roll of Cinestill 800T for a Ricoh point and shoot I inherited. I also chickened out and took my newly acquired Sony A7i to use with the Minolta lenses.

I ummed and ahhed over lens choice. But in the end I took a 24/2.8 and a 35-70/3.5.

I kept the zoom on the Sony for the most part and the 24mm on the film camera. The Ricoh was taken specifically to use on nights out. As it turns out, the seals have gone so several of the shots came back with light leaks. As it was my father-in-law's camera, i've bought some kit to replace the seals. As I know it has sentimental value for my missus.

Anyway, I took fewer shots than I thought I might. And the film seemed to survive trip and security. Here's some of the shots I liked.

NYC Minolta -1 by Kell, on Flickr

NYC Minolta -4 by Kell, on Flickr

NYC Minolta -7 by Kell, on Flickr

NYC Minolta -9 by Kell, on Flickr

NYC Minolta -14 by Kell, on Flickr

NYC Minolta -24 by Kell, on Flickr

NYC Minolta -27 by Kell, on Flickr

NYC Minolta -45 by Kell, on Flickr
The B&W shots are very contrasty. Was that how they scanned, or have you added more contrast in post processing. I like contrasty shots BTW. :)

I’ve PPd them and added a fair amount of contrast. As I also love B&W images with at least some total black and total white.

As they go through the colour scanner they come through as not true B&W.

Also filmdev do tiff files at no extra cost - but they’re huge. Each image is around 170MB
The B&W shots are very contrasty. Was that how they scanned, or have you added more contrast in post processing. I like contrasty shots BTW. :)

Side by side for comparison.

It's not a huge amount of tweaking, but like any RAW file they come in quite flat.

I'm not skilled enough to work out what I'd need to do to capture that in camera.

Side by Side by Kell, on Flickr
Thats a great selection of images. What was your experience with airport security? Did you go through the CT scanners or just x-ray?