Some shots of Scotland

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Took these last year with a Panasonic FZ7. Just processed in Lightroom so thought i'd post them up for some C&C. I was experimenting with a Lomo effect for the bridge shot.




A great set Rob, reflections are lovely as is the cottage. Would like to have seen them a bit bigger....Mick
Gorgeous, well done.

I love Scotland.

3 & 4 my fav.

#3 and #4 are stunning(y)
The cottage one is also good but just marred slightly for me with the PP on the clouds
Fantastic Captures i really Like No.1 No.2 And No.4 Very Sharp And Crisp And Great Colours Very Well Done

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Great set Rob, love no.2.

I'm off there tomorrow for a few days with a bunch of guys off here. We're staying near that castle in the third shot so nice to see these :)
They're all nice, but I particularly like the contrast in the shot with the red-roofed croft.
The cottage is about 2 miles from Torridon on the north west coast of Scotland.

This looks like cottage on the road from Sheildaig to Applecross when taking the coast road. Looking west back to Sheildaig. A popular view point for photographers.

On the other side of the Loch from where I live.

Fantastic set of Photos.
#2 stands out for me due to the contrast of the red against the rest of the scene, but overall a very good set.
these are great, well done - I would be well chuffed with them
Second one is something a bit out of the ordinary and was just begging to be photographed. You did well with the lighting in that one too, IMO, the passing thunder clouds look very dramatic, but have still left plenty of light in the foreground.

Niiiice (y)!