Something Different!!

Not sure I can offer much in the way of critique, but am curious to know what this effect is called (if it has a name) and how it was achieved.

I think it's fun, quirky, as you say - different!

Reminds me of the groundbreaking A-ha video for the song 'Take On Me' :D with its combination of natural image and animation style.
Nice effort Paul, good imagination, its like those then and now with a twist, your hand looks a bit superimposed maybe try that your thumb as a sketch if you get what I mean (y)
Like it :)

Howeverrrr....Ive a feeling it might be better if the rest of the image was sketched, and the photo in hand was real?
Not sure I can offer much in the way of critique, but am curious to know what this effect is called (if it has a name) and how it was achieved.

I think it's fun, quirky, as you say - different!

Reminds me of the groundbreaking A-ha video for the song 'Take On Me' :D with its combination of natural image and animation style.

If you use photoshop send me a pm with email and I'll email you an pencil sketch action I made (y)
Love the idea, but I think it would look amazing with a better blend and to have the picture as something other than pencil perhaps, or a more moody feel the moment that hand looks very much like it has been taken out of another picture but a little blending / curves / colour correction would make it look a lot more authentic.

Love the idea, haven't seen that before but feel there is room for improvement!
Ive a feeling it might be better if the rest of the image was sketched, and the photo in hand was real?

Yes, I could see this having greater impact with the effect inverted.

Paul - any chance you could make this amendment and re-post?
I love this!!!!
(i may have steal this idea, hope you dont mind :p )
think it works great, gonna try it with some action stuff think it could be interesting, hmmm maybe portraits aswell, gonna have fun playing around with this, thanks for the idea :)

Very clever!


Not sure I can offer much in the way of critique, but am curious to know what this effect is called (if it has a name) and how it was achieved.

I think it's fun, quirky, as you say - different!

Reminds me of the groundbreaking A-ha video for the song 'Take On Me' :D with its combination of natural image and animation style.

Yeah I had the same thought too, lol.

Nice effort Paul, good imagination, its like those then and now with a twist, your hand looks a bit superimposed maybe try that your thumb as a sketch if you get what I mean (y)

Yeah I did tweak the levels to try and blend in, but needs a little more time and practice I think.

Like it :)

Howeverrrr....Ive a feeling it might be better if the rest of the image was sketched, and the photo in hand was real?

Mmmm I’ll have a play then

Love the idea, but I think it would look amazing with a better blend and to have the picture as something other than pencil perhaps, or a more moody feel the moment that hand looks very much like it has been taken out of another picture but a little blending / curves / colour correction would make it look a lot more authentic.

Love the idea, haven't seen that before but feel there is room for improvement!

Thanks Phil, yeah I do need to improve the blending. The hand pic was taken separately just for this idea, but needs more work.
Yes, I could see this having greater impact with the effect inverted.

Paul - any chance you could make this amendment and re-post?

Ta, I’ll have a play and post up.

Heres it in action Soz Paul dont mean to hijack your thread

Not at all Dave, the more we share the more we learn.

I love this!!!!
(i may have steal this idea, hope you dont mind :p )
think it works great, gonna try it with some action stuff think it could be interesting, hmmm maybe portraits aswell, gonna have fun playing around with this, thanks for the idea :)


Looking forward to whatever you come up with then.

Many thanks for the positive and constructive critique all. I’ll have another go at playing (including your suggestions) and will post up later.

All I did was create 3 layers:
The original colour pic.
A photoshop pencil effect (I actually used Coral Paint Shop Pro).
And the hand and paper specifically taken for this edit.

Erase the paper where you want the pencil layer to show through. And job done.

A few levels tweaks on the hand layer, to try and get to the same tones as the colour pier. And colour the paper white as this was a funny shade on the original.

I’ll have another play and post later.

Many thanks all for the comments. (y)