Sometimes you just can't move those things blocking your picture

A grand job (y)

I do that sometimes when I'm at a loss for what to do. Move things, blend, lose uninteresting items from the scene.

Excellent work.
I prefer it before the colour correction but you did a good job with the editing (y)
You did a good job of getting rid of the flare - Well Done!!
I woul have a go at correcting the converging verticals next - unless this is the look you are going for ;)
I had the tripod really low down as I wanted that looking up at the building view, so I guess in that respect the verticals will never be straight.
When you try to adjust them in Lightroom it doesn't look good.
HI Hanley, great shot, great work on removing distractions (and bollards and signs). I would definitely work on the verticals even a bit. I did 20 second effort on your image in Photoshop (just to make sure it would look ok before i commented) and, in my opinion it make it better, speaking for myself of course, If you are correcting verticals in post, you will always lose some part of the image and slightly degrade the quality, but often its well worth it. We dont all have tilt and shift lenses. Do you want me to post a small 600px version here? Love the shot though.
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