Sony A200 + Sigma Super Wide II 24mm

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I did have a look at the reviews on there as well. It seems it should work with the A200.
I'm after a lens to take fishing for the self take trophy shots. This might be a little wide.
I'm currently using the Minolta Mini Beercan. 35-70mm

I wish I knew someone who could lend me it for a week or two :( lol.
Sold the kit lens. Wasn't happy with it! I'm after that 35mm after crop. So the 24mm seemed perfect. Just wish I could use it before purchasing. I have a 50mm Prime and for myself & the fish to be in focus, the camera needs to be 2.8m away. Which when fishing can be tricky.

Its frustrating as I know the kit is all old so the chances of finding someone who uses similar are slim.
I've used this lens in Pentax mount on both Pentax DSLRs and (with an adapter) on my Fuji XT1. It's a nice lens - reasonably sharp, light and without too many chromatic aberrations. It's not as good as a more modern prime, but it should outperform your kit lens. The "macro" bit is slightly misleading - it's more a close focussing lens than a true macro.