Critique Sooo its been a year since I have been out.... White Park Bay

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Got married, bought a house, had a kid so kind of lost interest... shame on me. Now that things have settles I decided for some "me" time and boy did I love it. Anyway let me know what u think, I want to improve. Any first mistake of the night was shooting in sRAW instead of RAW.... oh well I'm a little rusty.

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I really like the first. Not keen on the rest.
#1 is a nice shot. The clouds really help to draw your eye into the scene

#2 is also a pleasing image. I just get the feeling that the boulder in the bottom left is just a tad too far left in the composition. A boulders width in would help I reckon.

Of #3, #4, #5 & #6 I think #5 has the most successful/balanced composition and PP. It's got the more interesting rocks in the foreground and your eye is nicely lead through the scene on towards the horizon. #6 has some of the same elements but (on my screen) looks a bit over saturated, particularly on the foreground greens.

Looks like you got some great conditions in an interesting location. Worthy of a revisit for sure although not a necessity as you've bag some really cracking images during this visit.
#1 is a nice shot. The clouds really help to draw your eye into the scene

#2 is also a pleasing image. I just get the feeling that the boulder in the bottom left is just a tad too far left in the composition. A boulders width in would help I reckon.

Of #3, #4, #5 & #6 I think #5 has the most successful/balanced composition and PP. It's got the more interesting rocks in the foreground and your eye is nicely lead through the scene on towards the horizon. #6 has some of the same elements but (on my screen) looks a bit over saturated, particularly on the foreground greens.

Looks like you got some great conditions in an interesting location. Worthy of a revisit for sure although not a necessity as you've bag some really cracking images during this visit.

Thanks really appreciate that, its a location I have been to a few times and went back there as my first tiem out in a while as I knew what was where :). I was happy with most but I must admit since it was my first time out in ages I was overly excited and didn't really concentrate and was maybe a little bit too snap happy, not setting at full sized raw and not turning on long exposure noise reduction 2 noobie errors. I only quickly ran the images through lightroom (a little toning and lanscape profile) as it was late when I got back so will go back and tweek.

I will definitely go back again its not far from me and I fave promised I am going to get off my ass at least one morning or evening a week. Love your work on Flicker btw (y).