Sparrowhawk having its tea!!!

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Looked out of my kitchen window and saw this, suppose that's one less pigeon to c**p in my back yard. I even saw a pigeon walking about 3ft away from it whilst it was eating its mate, either a very brave or stupid bird, the latter I think.
I wish it had taken it to a better position but I suppose helping me get a decent photo was not on its list of priorities :)
Unfortunatley the photos are not great due to bad light (shutter speed 1/40 - 1/15th) and shooting through rather grubby double glazing!!






A cracking looking female well captured too (y)

. I even saw a pigeon walking about 3ft away from it whilst it was eating its mate, either a very brave or stupid bird, the latter I think.

Once they are on a kill, they are not regarded as a threat anymore.
There is no way that a BoP will leave a kill to chase another "potential meal"
while they are already sitting on one.
And the wild population of meals on wings seem to know this ;)
Looked out of my kitchen window and saw this

I'd love to swap kitchen windows with you some time - mine must be a cheaper model - only seems to show apartments and a large dumpster. :puke:

Fantastic snaps Dale - and the double glazing doesn't seem to have made a dent. Well done!(y)
nice set ,quality is good to me
the look of that bird seems to say stay away from my dinner
Great captures! What amazing birds these are, we used to have a pair come into the garden and feed on the small birds on the feeders but haven't seen them for a while.
I had a sparrowhawk the other day take a starling from the patio. Happened so quick it was both brutal and magnificent.
Thanks for the comments, I was really lucky to look out of the window and see it feeding. This is only the 2nd time I have seen one of these as I live in the middle of a town. I do however have quite a few birdfeeders in my back yard which attracts mainly sparrows, starling’s pigeons and goldfinches my first reaction to seeing it was I hope it doesn’t have a sparrow or goldfinch.

I do have cages that I've built around the feeders for the goldfinches & sparrows which are there mainly to stop the pigeons but they will protect them from attacks as well. I also have ground feeder cages so any further attacks and the odds are against the pigeons.

Just a word of warning if anyone is thinking of getting one of these ground feeder cages the large mesh size does not keep pigeons out I have lost count of the number of times I have had to release a pigeon who has gorged itself on the food on the ground feeder. I have since bought a cage with the small mesh as I was getting overrun with starlings but unfortunately the blackbirds cannot get it that cage and the starlings still can!!!

Any ideas on how I can still feed the blackbirds without the starlings getting it all first?


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Thanks for the comments, I was really lucky to look out of the window and see it feeding. This is only the 2nd time I have seen one of these as I live in the middle of a town. I do however have quite a few birdfeeders in my back yard which attracts mainly sparrows, starling’s pigeons and goldfinches my first reaction to seeing it was I hope it doesn’t have a sparrow or goldfinch.

I do have cages that I've built around the feeders for the goldfinches & sparrows which are there mainly to stop the pigeons but they will protect them from attacks as well. I also have ground feeder cages so any further attacks and the odds are against the pigeons.

Just a word of warning if anyone is thinking of getting one of these ground feeder cages the large mesh size does not keep pigeons out I have lost count of the number of times I have had to release a pigeon who has gorged itself on the food on the ground feeder. I have since bought a cage with the small mesh as I was getting overrun with starlings but unfortunately the blackbirds cannot get it that cage and the starlings still can!!!

Any ideas on how I can still feed the blackbirds without the starlings getting it all first?

Great set, no3 really shows off the superb feathers on the wings with a nice bit of eye contact.
As for the pigeons & starlings, i gave up on trying to get rid of them feeding and just let them get on with it, looks like your sparrowhawk could be back for another go soon :LOL: