Critique Spider - False widow spider (ID credit Paul Iddon)


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Hi, I found a spider so grabbed my new lens & flash set up and had a go, photos were editted using a simple app, feel free at comment or advise on anything :)

Thanks for looking


Edit: they look soft uploaded, I think the app doesn't export very well (Snapseed)

Edit 2: Sorry, added new photos in hope of better quality

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Nice set, I like lil creepy #4 the most. Nice shooting.
They're not entirely harmless are they Paul? I heard they can give a nasty bite with some unpleasant reactions. Not fatal but not desirable, either?

Apparently the bad reaction pics posted online are secondary infections from people not cleaning the area with antiseptic
Apparently the bad reaction pics posted online are secondary infections from people not cleaning the area with antiseptic

Ahh OK. I heard a couple of cases where people were bitten whilst sleeping. We can probably forgive them for not getting the treatment quite right. :oops: :$ I had a few in my workshop and wasn't overly keen on having them in there. I quite like many spiders but those False Widows are ugly little suckers, too! I'll stick to jumping spiders and the likes. :D
Ahh OK. I heard a couple of cases where people were bitten whilst sleeping. We can probably forgive them for not getting the treatment quite right. :oops: :$ I had a few in my workshop and wasn't overly keen on having them in there. I quite like many spiders but those False Widows are ugly little suckers, too! I'll stick to jumping spiders and the likes. :D

I hear they are hard to get rid of once established around a property, one female can lay 3 or more sacks of eggs with 200 in each between may and july.

many of them die of course but the sheer numbers are a joke
They're not entirely harmless are they Paul? I heard they can give a nasty bite with some unpleasant reactions. Not fatal but not desirable, either?

The Steatoda bipunctata is similar in shape to the Black Widow spider of the genus Latrodectus and can thus be mistaken for it, although its bite is significantly less dangerous to humans. ... It is highly unlikely the fangs of this small species can penetrate human skin.
