St Pauls by night

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I had a day in London with the camera this week and took some night shots, not done any night work for quite some time now.

Would be very interested to hear you comments on how I can improve this next time I am up there.

Camera settings were:
30 secs
iso 100

Thanks for taking a look

StPauls over Millennium Bridge v2
by Rob Wright on Talk Photography
Hi Rob

Firstly the image needs straightening as it's got a left side tilt

It also seems a little soft but this could just be where you've hosted it

The street lights are very blown and would look good with a star shape to them, you could achieve this by stacking multiple exposures or alternatively shooting sooner after sunset when there's slightly more light and you can reduce your exposure times

A solitary figure can sometimes enhance a scene but I think in your shot just gets in the way

If it was my shot I may be tempted to have a squarer crop as the buildings either side are a bit featureless in the main and concentrate the view completely on the leading lines of the bridge going to St Paul's

Anyway just an opinion, some may disagree!!
Agree, it's slightly offset to the right and the exposure could have been better controlled.
But it's an ok shot.
But what do I know?
I like the colour balance. But I think it might look better overall if some parts of the scene - the top of the dome, the foreground buildings and the bridge - were a bit brighter. I think you could achieve that by shooting earlier while there's still a little bit of colour in the sky.