Star trails

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This is one of my first attempt at doing star trails. I did it while on holiday in France, where it really does get dark !n was surprised at the range of colours I managed to pick up.

What do you think ?

This reminds me of my first attempt at doing a star trail, and your right it is amazing the colour range in the stars, but as chirs has said it would be a lot better if your had something to set the trails against such as some landscape or some building :D I have done quite a few of them and I find that its nice to get creative :D

This is the most recent of my photo's to feature startrails and if I'm honest startrails are only a small part of the overall image :D CLICK HERE

You got the technique sorted Andy, nice and clear. You've managed to get a shooting star (most probably shooting star, 99% sure it's not aircraft but might be satellite) in the middle of the upper left quadrant too, bonus :)
Like the others have already said, time to get other stuff into the frame too, at the very least a simple horizon. Nice work :)
Thanks guys ! You are right, a bit of foreground interest would help a lot.....will have a go on the next clear night. I was assuming it was a shooting star (or similar) I did also get 3 aircraft (which I cloned out of the relevant frames) and they looked very different.
You're on to the foreground interest already so I won't mention it again ;)

The travelling object looks more like an iridium flare to me - reflection of light off a satellite; they tend to taper both in and out where shooting stars are typically bolder at one end.

Can't easily work out if you stacked this or it's a single exposure?
I like it, nice and clear, nice colours. I see what others are saying too about foreground.

Never having tried one myself, how do you get the trails in a circular motion? Do you just point it at the sky anywhere or is it more scientific?
rugeyes said:
I like it, nice and clear, nice colours. I see what others are saying too about foreground.

Never having tried one myself, how do you get the trails in a circular motion? Do you just point it at the sky anywhere or is it more scientific?

Circular trails appear to centre on Polaris aka the north star. The further away from there you're aiming your camera, the straighter your trails will appear.
I was assuming it was a shooting star (or similar) I did also get 3 aircraft (which I cloned out of the relevant frames) and they looked very different.

It was probably the ISS

agree with other foreground interest would make it more interesting

I must have a go at this one day I never seem to get around to it
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AndWhyNot said:
Circular trails appear to centre on Polaris aka the north star. The further away from there you're aiming your camera, the straighter your trails will appear.

Cheers all. Heading to the south coast for a couple of days so may try this if the sky is clear.