Stegsie's 365 .....

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I’ve decided to start a Photography 365!! (Actually Started on 1st December, so will backfill the last 10 days for this forum!)

In essence, I will take at least one photograph and blog it, everyday for the next year. It’s going to be quite a commitment, but the benefits will be well worth it I feel.

I have no preconceived ideas of what the photo’s will be of each day, that is one of my main motivators behind starting this task. I want to embrace a new way of taking my photographs – I really want to push myself creatively and I’m excited about what the next 364 days will bring!

I have no doubt that there may well be (many!) times over the next year that I simply won’t feel like doing this. Pressures in work, family commitments etc. etc. – they will all make this task very hard to complete. I’m prepared to see it through, however, and am 100% committed to the task at hand!

They say that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Well – with that in mind, here is my first picture from my 365.

So – here we go. Photo number 1 of 365. Lets do this ……


One of the reasons I started my Photography 365, was to stretch my photography, and take images that I would never usually take – to stretch myself basically.

As I primarily shoot Portait and Sports photographs, candid Street Photography is well out of my comfort zone! So, today I decided to take the camera out with me as I took a look around the Festive Market in Liverpool City Center.

The smell of these Provencal Potatoes soon beckoned me over, and I had to take a quick picture. The colours are simply wonderful (although not as nice as the smell!) Technically, it’s far (very far actually!) from being a good photograph – I hardly had time to meter and set the shutter speed and aperture etc – it was just a matter of getting the shot took and that was that.

I was pretty happy with the result though – as I say, this is pretty much as far away form my usual photography style as you can get – but job done I suppose.

Going back at the weekend to get some of those Provencal Potatoes by the way – they looked and smelt lush!

So, for day 3 of my 365, I decided to take this B&W image of the Liver Buildings earlier today. Specifically I’ve chosen to focus on the Liver Bird watching over the city.

The Liver Buildings has two Liver birds on it, and according to popular legend, they are a male and female pair. The female is said to be looking out to sea, (watching for the seamen to return safely home) whilst the male looks towards the city (watching over the people).

With so much trouble throughout the world at the moment, I love the idea of a mythical beast such as this watching over this wonderful city of ours, and keeping an eye on us all.

How could I possibly not blog a picture of my youngest Daughter on her 1st Birthday!

Francesca Mae is the big 1 today, and had a wonderful time opening her presents this morning with the rest of the family.

I can’t believe how fast the last 12 months has gone.

Happy Birthday, babes. xxxx

Day 5 of my 365, and today was the day we decided to put up the Christmas decorations in the Tolcher household! What a day it was too – started earlier than we expected, and finish much later than anticipated! Oh well, at least we all had a great time in the process.

It’s sounds Cliche, but it really is a wonderful time of the year.

With this in mind, I just had to take this shot of my favourite Christmas Decoration …..

Whilst we may all, at times, get carried away with thoughts of the latest and greatest gadgets to buy for Christmas, the stresses and strains of how to pay for it all, and generally get caught up in the whole commercialisation of Christmas day – What really matters at Christmas is what should (and does) matter all year round. Love, Friendship, Family, Peace, Joy ….. and Hope.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” – Albert Einstein

We all need “Someone Special”,
To keep us warm when nights grow cold.
That certain special someone,
To share a life whilst we grow old.

So open up your heart, today.
For you will see love comes to those;
Who love and laugh and revel;
Thus grasp it ‘fore it goes …..

- Steve Tolcher 2010

I walk past this Pro Patria War Memoria just about everyday on my lunch break in work.

It got me thinking of the great poem by Wilfred Owen, “Dulce et Decorum est.” After taking this picture, I simply had to go back to the office and have a quick read of it. Luckily I have a collection of Wilfred Owen War Poems on my iPhone.

It got me questioning – How far have we really came since the time this Memorial depicts?

OK – I am able to walk safely back to the office after taking a digital picture, fire up my iPhone and read a collection of poetry through iBook. A digital copy of a poem that was penned in the Trenches back in the First World War is there as quick as a flash, on my shiny piece of space age technology …. However all this technology is not really what it’s all about is it. We still have brave soliders fighting a war (in fact several wars at the moment), so just how far have we really came? What have we really learnt about war?

For those who are not familiar with Wilfred Owens work, I would implore you to seek it out and take the time to read it.

Also, for those who’s latin may not be up to scratch (me included!) “Dulce et Decorum est” translates literally as “How sweet and fitting it is to die for one’s country”

30 Years ago today John Lennon passed away, so I simply had to get a picture of his statue in Matthew Street, Liverpool.

I was really surprised when I arrived at the statue around lunchtime today. With it being the 30th year anniversary, I envisaged there being plenty of people around the statue – taking photo’s, laying flowers etc. There was nothing ….. Nothing at all.

After trying a couple of angles on this photograph, I realised the best angle (In my opinion) is this one. To me, it show’s Lennon doing what I could just imagine him doing. Just stood there – watching the world go by. No fuss – not ceremony – just Life going on like any other day.

“My role in society, or any artist’s or poet’s role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel. Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all.” – John Lennon

After going on about Lennon yesterday, I was feeling particularly “Musically” today! As such, my 365 for this evening is a picture of my latest Acoustic Guitar.

Seeing as I am also feeling particularly festive – I used the Dining Room Christmas tree as the background too! Why not!?!

Sofia joined me in singing a few Guitar led Christmas songs after diner this evening too – marvellous!
Right - that's all the images backfilled since I started on the 1st of December; I'll post each day on this thread going forward now.

Comments always appreciated!


There was a new store in the Liverpool Festive Market today. It was a Steel Art stand. This guy is pure genius!!!

He makes all these models from various car / bike parts and fabricated steel etc. This Predator model particularly took my fancy.

To me, this is art in it’s purest form. The skill to take all these components and make something like this is such a skill. Genius.
great start stegsie! good to see the beginning of you project as mine finishes. it certainly is a challenge, hope you enjoy it and see it through...
great start stegsie! good to see the beginning of you project as mine finishes. it certainly is a challenge, hope you enjoy it and see it through...

Cheers mate!

I know it's going to be tough, but I'm determined to do it! (y)

Sofia’s Nan and Granddad came for a visit this afternoon. After hearing about Sofia’s recent Tonsillitis diagnosis, they decided that Toffee Ice Cream (Her Fave Flavour!) would be just the ticket.

How right they were!! Cheers Folks ……

Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation – Lois Wyse
Watching this one with interest Steve. I'm sure you will complete this easily (y)

So with today being 12 days before Christmas Day, I suppose it’s traditional for most people to start putting up their Christmas Decorations and brighten up their homes with all sorts of lights, baubles and tinsel.

I thought that for todays 365, I would try to capture colour in a more natural way. Colours that are not artificial (in the sense that Christmas lights are.) It has been said that a picture of many colours proclaims images of many thoughts.

I suppose that varying colours – whether they be artificial lights and decorations, or delicious olives, can indeed conjure up memories of Christmas – or in fact any other special time in your life.

We were lucky enough to go the the Pantomime in the Liverpool Empire this evening, with Sofia's Dance School (North Liverpool Dance Academy)

The show itself was very entertaining, and the kids all really enjoyed themselves (along with the adults too, I hasen to add!!!)

It inspired me to take this photo when I arrived home - of one of my wife's Ballet Shoe Ornaments.

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body.” - Martha Graham

I thought last nights photograph of the Ballet Shoe worked quite well, so I decided to use a simliar setup again; but with a slightly larger subject.

This is one of my favorite pieces – my sleeping Buddha (Much prefer Buddha in this original form, and not the bloated laughing Buddha that is so much more common place)

Anyway, this evening we’ve had family around for a meal (Sue, Craig & Kids!), and as always it was a lovely experience. Family is such an important thing that we should really all embrace more.

It got me thinking of a quote from Buddha about Family life …..

“A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden …..” Buddha

After a manic day in work, I had to also prep some Boxing DVD’s this evening so have been a rather busy chap!

Anyway, after returning to the living room to catch a quick 5 minute break who should I see in my chair …… Dina the Cat!

She’d settled herself in for the night by the looks of it, even using a cushion for that little bit of added comfort – the cheek of it!!

Having said that – I’m used to it now, and as all cat owners will know, there is no use trying to do anything about it; she’ll sit where she wants to sit and that’s final!!!

Oh well – that’s ok by me I suppose. I know my place!!!

Wow – what a bit of weather we’re having this evening!!!

Driving home earlier was a bit of a nightmare I can tell you!!

Got home safe and sound though, and just before Sofia and I went out for a snowball fight I just had to take this quick snap of our Garden covered in snow.

Wonderful and Christmassy weather – magic