Sticking Canon 7D!

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Ok,.. ive been chopping and changing my lenses lately and im getting a bit concerned at my body sticking while taking a photo.

Yesterday i received delivery if a very nice Canon 70-200 L lens and its awesome in lit up areas, however when i try and take photos indoors or pretty dark areas the camera does not take the picture.. is this a "feature" or a known issue!

Want to get to the bottom of it before i head out on holiday in a few weeks!
it may be it cannot focus, there is not enough light/ contrast for the auto focus.
have you tried manual focus?
Are you definitely acheiving focus? Most bodies are set by default to not release the shutter unless focus is achieved.
Just stick the lens in manual focus and take a shot. Chances are the shot will come out black, as it's probably too dark indoors and I'm guessing you're using the F/4 version without flash? As said, it probably can't lock focus on anything (not enough light) in AF mode.