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Spent a couple of hours in my hide this morning when this little fella popped up out of a heap of rubble, he hung around long enough for two pics then he was off. The heap of rubble appears to be where it is living, is there anything that i could put down that would tempt him to hang around a while longer? I was using my Sigma 150-500mm and its a big crop on both.



Thanks for looking
Thanks Alex, i'll try the cat food and see if that gets his interest enough to hang around for more than a second ;)
Lovely shot. If you could get hold of a rabbit you could tie it by the back leg so that you get more shots as he wont be able to drag it away. My ferrets like pigeon as well so a bit of pigeon road kill might just do the trick or if you know someone that shoots ask them for one. atb Rhys
Love the shots.
Myferrett goes crackers for cheese, so that might be worth a try.
Thanks for the tips Rhys82 and pbucks, we live on a farm so like it or not rabbit/pigeon shooting is the norm here so i can easily get one although there is quite a lot of roadkill about at the mo so rather than get hubby to needlessly shoot poor little animals (thats not what he calls them :bat:) i might see what i can find (y) I will also give the cheese ago in the meantime. I tried cat food today but only caught a fleeting glimse of the Stoat as it shot out from under some tin and back into the rubble, needless to say when i walked my dogs later the cat food had gone :)

I've also moved my hide forward abit so its not such a long stretch for my lens.
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