Stockport...Yes it's grim up North!

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I recently decided I wanted to get a little more from my photography and explore my more creative side...Something I feel can't be achieved by soley concentating on wildlife.
As much as I love wildlife photography, I find it quite restrictive and it doesn't allow me to stray too far away from the basic rules of the genre.

I've spent quite a few weeks deciding on what I wanted to do and then it struck me...Go out and take some pictures of Stockport!
Stockport is a place I've lived for many years now and I've never really photographed it.
So this morning I got into my car and set off for Stockport town centre in search of finding the real beauty of the place.

Now, I don't know if it was the grey skys filled with light drizzle, the puddles of urine in every corner or the Saturday night takeaway wrappers blowing around the deserted early morning streets, but at first I found the town to be a very uninspiring place...I don't think there is one interesting piece of architecture in the whole of Stockport!

Then when I was about to called it a day it dawned on me...Surely you can only photograph what is in front of you and it's up to you to make the best of it.

So here are a few pictures from this morning of Stockport...I know that they won't be everybody's cup of tea, but it's how my rather blurry eyes saw it!

1: Area 51

2: The Postbox

3: The Steps

4: Escape from Area 51

5: Portwood Subway

6: Wait

7: Portwood Subway (Reprise)

Thanks for looking,
some good pictures, get on chestergate carpark up the ramp lots to see from up there pics of A6, museum, plaza etc.... i live in stockport aswell so know what your on about
I really like the PP used on these images, very effective. Is it a Lightroom plugin per chance?
Nice shots, I too like the editing........the natwest bank in the town centre has some interesting architecture.
I like these shots too... love the desaturation, sharpening and darkening effect... recently tried this myself and has a great timeless but gritty reportage feeling! I never went as dark as you though... I might now!
great set their all very deep....but it is grimbo up north :)
Nice set Ant! I think the processing really brings out the erm, best? in the places :LOL: I like #3 a lot :)
Tell you what, if you wanted to show somene why I left Stockport and headed for the leafy suburbs of nth london.... :LOL:

These are excellent shots very well processed. I don't think the town is anywhere near this grim generally, but you have chosen the subjects well (y)
:) Thanks very much for your very kind comments everyone.
The pp was a combination of plugins, desaturating and curves overlayered...Just a case of playing around until I found a effect that I liked.
Nice set of pics here capturing the gritty side of town, I lived in Stockport for many years (Heaton Mersey don't you know) and have to say the town centre has always been a bl**dy ugly place except for the old market square.
Stockport, re-named Rockport by many of the shell suit wearing chavs brandishing knives round Grand Central.
Nice set of pics here capturing the gritty side of town, I lived in Stockport for many years (Heaton Mersey don't you know) and have to say the town centre has always been a bl**dy ugly place except for the old market square.
Stockport, re-named Rockport by many of the shell suit wearing chavs brandishing knives round Grand Central.

:) Thanks Stephen.
Not a lot going for the town centre in my view, but a different story in the suburbs...Some very nice parks and countryside.

Perhaps I'm being unkind...
Great photographs Anthony, looks like a great day today for work in Edgeley.

Nice gritty look on the shots too.

Lee :)
Great photographs Anthony, looks like a great day today for work in Edgeley.

Nice gritty look on the shots too.

Lee :)

:) Thanks very much Lee, I bet there are some gritty places to photograph around Edgeley.

Great set. Love the PP - real gritty feel.

:) Many thanks mate.

Right under your nose mate and all in Stockport

(y) Great shots mate, Merseyway tunnels by any chance?
Wherever you took them, I think I'll give the sort of places you go a miss after seeing the state of your D200 afterwards... :LOL: