Stomache Bug

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Has anyone else had one recently. I have been hit hard and I'm on about 14 hours with no food/water..... Getting very thirsty. Just wondering if it is going around or if I should call the doc... And as I have no life and no non-cyber friends to ask I thought I'd ask you lot.
You must drink water if at all possible otherwise you will become very dehydrated, even if you are just sipping small amounts, it all helps. A doctor once told me to try and drink gassy liquids (fizzy water etc) as the gas helps to agitate and clear out the bugs, not sure about this one though.

Hope you feel better soon!
You must take on water. Go without food for up to 24 hours if the bug is bad enough but you must take in liquids. Dehydration will bring about other problems and will do nothing to help rid the body of the bug or its toxins. Some also suggest that you should still take something to keep energy levels up. In this household we tend to drink nothing but flat lemonade for 12-16 hours.
I have one at the moment too.
I hope I dont pass it on to my youngest son...he has Glycogen Storage Disorder and cant go without sustinance for more than a few hours or he has to go into hospital on a glucose drip. These harmless 24-hr bugs can be quite a drain on him. :(
There was something going around before christmas, i had it along with a lot of people from work. My wife works as a teacher and there was something going around school as well.

It's not nice, hope you all feel better soon.
I'll swap ya my ulcer for your bug.. go on, it's nice ulcer it is.

Seriously, water is important but if you can't keep it down try sucking little bits of ice, really helps with the dry mouth.
Last time I went to the doc (some years ago now) for a bad tummy bug where I was emptying at both ends he prescribed Coca cola!

Apparently it is full of salts and sugars and you lose those which makes you worse. Not the diet stuff and shake or sugar it to get rid of the fizz. Don't worry about throwing it up - just drink some more. It worked for me :)

Usual disclaimer though - see you own doctor if in doubt.
Yes! Water/Liquid must be taken, maybe even more than usual because your body is losing more water than normal.

I don't know about food. Eat a bit I guess.

Would anyone recommend charcoal pills? I think I've heard about taking charcoal pills...................... maybe!

But definitely, drink more water!
Sorry to hear about your condition Renee ... :(

I agree with the others about fluid intake Renee ... water is essential and clearly a must ... but stay away from caffeine drinks ... :eek:

I have found Ginger Beer to be really good with tummy bugs ... as is stuff like Lucozade although I think it is a bit over-priced and over-rated ...

I am no expert obviously but these things can generally last 48 hours or more but if you go longer than that I would, personally go see my GP jic ... ;)

Hope you feel better soon Renee ... :hug:

Sorry to hear about that Renee.

I can only echo what the others have said. Your body can last incredible amounts of time without food, but not without hydration.

Sucking ice cubes does help, even if its just a few small sips/sucks every now and then.

Our son has had this sickness thing since new years eve (the night one of us seems to ALWAYS be sick). He's been randomly throwing up since then, but just feeling sick most of the time.

I believe it's going round again.
Not sure if it's the same one, but I think it was last year when half the country was incapacitated by the "Winter Vomiting Bug" (also known as the Norovirus). We all had it, and it wasnt a pretty site. It was like a scene out of little

Hope you get better soon. Have a watch of those documentaries I mentioned :)
I seem to be on my third cold over the xmas period - I get over one then acquire another!

One of my housemates is pretty ill though - has been since xmas eve. He has a nasty chest / throat / nose & keeps on vomiting :(
oh my.....keep taking in poor lot! Get some echinacea for those coughs and colds ;)
:hug: Ditto what the others have said really. If you are not able to keep any fluids down, then you must see your GP as soon as possible. Hope you are feeling better soon.
my mrs had this over christmas...i currently have a nasty cold that seems to have affected my throat only, so ive lost my voice...and when i do speak, i sound like darth vader
Me and my husband had it on Boxing Day about 12 hours apart. Not nice. As I was still not eating by day 4 I asked the Pharmacist if there was anything I could take to stop shaking. She said the shaking was because of low blood sugar due to not eating. Her advice was plenty of water and flat coke and try nibbling a banana. It worked! Hope you feel better soon.
Wow thanks all... So far no luck in keeping anything down but right after I get about 15 min where I don't feel awful. It is almost like motion sickness as if I keep really really still in bed I can fight it off for longer. I have hubby getting me Sprite (kinda like your lemonade) and I don't have ice... Hmm if it keeps up to much longer I might have to rectify that. I've had a horrible chest cold since Christmas day and now this. I'm telling you my work must think I'm the biggest schiver! Well again thanks for all your concern. I'll let you know how I'm doing.
So far over christmas and new year i've had

Stomach bug, then a cold, then food poisoning, then i got another cold and now i have conjunctivitis :(

Really enjoying myself :thumbsdown:
Get well soon Renee :hug:
Gosh! dont know about a tog forum we could start a Leper colony! :D

Heres hoping everyone feels well again soon ... including myself who came down with the dreaded lergy yesterday afternoon,.
Thought Id escaped this winter too, tut!
Funnily enough I have.

Extremely bad pains in my stomach - no puking though, it seems to be coming out of the other end :help: :puke: ..and I have a sore throat and I've got the flu. The flu is going round my school and my dad had a sore throat..So that probably explains those.

Looks like i've just been unlucky enough to get all 3 at once. :shrug:

Hope you feel better soon anyway mate, I'd call the doctors if I was you :)
Last time I went to the doc (some years ago now) for a bad tummy bug where I was emptying at both ends he prescribed Coca cola!

Apparently it is full of salts and sugars and you lose those which makes you worse. Not the diet stuff and shake or sugar it to get rid of the fizz. Don't worry about throwing it up - just drink some more. It worked for me :)

Usual disclaimer though - see you own doctor if in doubt.

Heard Coke is great for sickness. I've been told this by about 3 docs in different parts of the UK.

Worth a try.
As everyone has said you must take on fluid, it does not have to be water any drink will do.

I do sympathize with you, as I too live alone with no local non-cyber friends and my dad away on holiday for the winter. I've been off work for 3 weeks with torn back ligaments. I feel I should go back on Monday but on the phone Dad says have another week, not sure what to do.

Anyway I hope your feeling well soon, and make sure you look after yourself
Its a bit difficult eating coal when your being sick ;) I take it thats what you meant:D

Well I did think of putting something else but decided against it.......yes coal is what I meant!!!
I've been off work for 3 weeks with torn back ligaments. I feel I should go back on Monday but on the phone Dad says have another week, not sure what to do.

OMG! :eek: :eek: :eek:

How did you tear your back ligaments? I had a torn ACL in my right knee and that caused me quite a lot of grief until I had it reconstructed in March. Be careful with your back!! I don't know what ligaments go where in your back but it won't be as easy as my knee no doubt!

Renee, hope you're feeling better this morning.
I feel I should go back on Monday but on the phone Dad says have another week, not sure what to do.

You do whats important to your health. Not work.

When you're 65 and retired, they wont remember what you did for them all those years ago, coming off the sick and going in early with a sore back to help them out.

Honestly, look after number one. At the end of the day, it's just a job. You only have one back, one body, one life :)
As an update... I'm feeling much better although I still can't eat anything I can drink till my hearts content. Thank you for all your kind words! And everyone else you has the creeping crawling crud I hope you feel better also.
I have to listen to the advice of my doctor,and he gave me a sick note for one more week this morning.

He did say I should get some exercise and stretch by my back a little over the next week, so I'll be out with my camera next week :)