**STOP PRESS** New Species found in Essex

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A few more from the nearly disaster River Crouch Shoot Link

It appears that the wilds of Essex have become home to a new type of wildlife the 'Toggus Fotografus' ..... As you see from Photo #1 they lie in wait using amazing camouflage techniques .... often only being seen by the white flash on the forehead .....


.... increasingly due to the rise in population they can be found in pairs ....


:LOL: quality post!
I here they *flash* in public too?
My goodness...with the thread title I was expecting to see a picture of our Heppers :D
Hahaha...nice one....you dont know it but I've got pics of you 2!!!! I'll post them tonight....I'm just wondering....should I post the good or the bad! :LOL:
Ok...I did try...youre lucky...there's no bad angles/shots this time....I'll try harder next time!

One from the air....:nono:

And a nice one of the lads...the one on the right (Darren/Daz) does take medication...so dont be 2 worried...:LOL:
Hammerhead/Paul...he's just showing off his tripod and proving that "man" can be smaller than his own tripod :clap:
Good spot :) , I'd love to know what flash he is using in #2 , powerful enough to bounce of the sky.
He was trying out some new 'flashing' technique apparently ????? :shrug:

.... has anyone got some locations in Essex with a bit more interest? Flat, overcast and lifeless is starting to get to me. :puke:
.... has anyone got some locations in Essex with a bit more interest? Flat, overcast and lifeless is starting to get to me. :puke:

Epping Forest, Hatfield Forest, Fingringhoe Wick bird reserve, Hanningfield Reservoir, Essex Wildlife Trust (Thorndon) cant help with the weather though Im afraid!! ;)