Critique Stormy sunrise.

Im surprised you kept the tripod upright? Good set Nick, and the 3rd one is a stunner, great PP work.

I had it dug into the pebbles on the beaach and was holding it down as well :D

A very nice set to view.
Nice set, number three is super with the movement of the water.
#3 for me too! Good colour and a great sense of movement.
Number three is a real cracker !

Thanks everyone :) really appreciate it. number 3 seems to be the winner lol
another vote for 3 Nick, the water looks like it salive, and the shard of orange sky really make it come alive . . . really nice
Defo number 3 , great composition and movement
Nice set, number 3 is my personal fave. Nicely exposed and just the right amount of movement.
The lighthouse is a little small in some of them, you might have been better stepping back and using a longer focal length to get the lighthouse larger in the shots. Number 3 is definitely my favourite from this set though.
The lighthouse is my usual jaunt lol, if you look on my flickr you'll see i have a slight obsession with shooting there! These ones were from the next bay up from St Marys so weren't really meant to have the lighthouse as the main focal point, i do see your point though it'd be nice if it wa a little bigger in them :)
Another vote for No3, lovely image

another vote for 3 Nick, the water looks like it salive, and the shard of orange sky really make it come alive . . . really nice
#3 great sense of movement

2nd one, the lights still nice and a good composition
Thanks for all the comments everyone, really appreciated :)