Edit My Images
Just joined the board and would like to know if there is a way of straightening this image. Thanks.
is this any better, I expect some of the people that are good at photoshop may be able to improve it a lot more, with level adjustments etc etc
Thats great, can you tell me how you did it please. I tried the straighten toll but got some weird and wonderful results!!
Hi Adyc, what software are you using to straighten? I think most on here are using some form of Photoshop, but all are equally useful.

If you let us know which software you use, I'm sure one of us will be able to help you get the most from it :)
I used Photoshop Elements

Go to Image > Rotate > Custom

then select to rotate left or right, I tend to use increments of 0.25 degrees

A good tip is to use the histogram box, drag this over the pic to see if its straight, in your case i dragged it over the top of the plinth
Thanks, that worked. Any ideas how i could make the sky a bit more interesting. I.e pronounce the clounds and make the writing stand out more.
Check and adjust levels, contrast, and saturation will make the letters stand out as well as the clouds.
I used Photoshop Elements

Go to Image > Rotate > Custom

then select to rotate left or right, I tend to use increments of 0.25 degrees

A good tip is to use the histogram box, drag this over the pic to see if its straight, in your case i dragged it over the top of the plinth

I don't have elements but in CS2 you can do View>Show>Grid
i use picasa for straightning shots of buildings and horizon.s, i find it much quicker and easier than PS.
used the straigtened image above, used layer mask to lift the trees, tweaked levels to make plinth better, changed saturation to better sky and wreaths, sky is very difficult because its quite low res pixelated.

CT posted how to do this in CS2.

Click and hold the eyedropper tool, then select the ruler from the menu. Click at the start of the horizontal or vertical section, then click on the end of it, and select Image/Rotate Canvas/Arbitrary. Then click on OK and it should straighten it according to the ruler line you've drawn.
What i used was the measure tool, clicked it at the top corners of the plinth (so the line was over/parallel to the top edge of the plinth)
then went into Image>Rotate Canvas>Abitrary,
you'll find that the angle of rotation in the text box is already the angle needed to put it horizontal, so just click OK and Bob's your uncle :)

Then i just went into Filter>Distort>Lens Correction..
slid the horizontal perspective a little to the right
moved the Remove Distortion slider to the right to remove the barrel distortion
clicked OK and cropped off the edges

Then some levels and increased the saturation of the blues....

which gave me this...... :)

EDIT: LOL i see it's already been explained :p skimreader :bonk: well the lens correction part is still handy :D Oh and you should really lighten the trees a bit more and get rid of the pink color cast on the plinth but meh ;)
CClick and hold the eyedropper tool, then select the ruler from the menu. Click at the start of the horizontal or vertical section, then click on the end of it, and select Image/Rotate Canvas/Arbitrary. Then click on OK and it should straighten it according to the ruler line you've drawn.
Yep, that's by far the easiest way to do it in my experience.
Quickest way to straighten images in most edit tools is to use Crop .

Open a crop box , drag it until it's near something that should be straight , rotate the crop box until it's parallel with the target line, exapnd crop box to required size then Crop.

Ta-Da :)
CT posted how to do this in CS2.

Click and hold the eyedropper tool, then select the ruler from the menu. Click at the start of the horizontal or vertical section, then click on the end of it, and select Image/Rotate Canvas/Arbitrary. Then click on OK and it should straighten it according to the ruler line you've drawn.

I used to bring down a ruler and manually rotate but I've got to say Catdaddy this is a very good way to rotate an image.

Nice when you learn something new.

Thanks for an excellent tip.

CT posted how to do this in CS2.

Click and hold the eyedropper tool, then select the ruler from the menu. Click at the start of the horizontal or vertical section, then click on the end of it, and select Image/Rotate Canvas/Arbitrary. Then click on OK and it should straighten it according to the ruler line you've drawn.

This is pretty much the same in Elements Adyc ... except it is the Straighten Tool (Shift + P) ... and you will have to crop after any Straighten of course ... :D

Or in Elements 5 ... and this is extremely useful as well as working nicely ... even for slightly off horizons ... select <Image> + <Rotate> + <Straighten> OR <Straighten & Crop> ... (y) ... not sure this is available in previous incarnations though ... :shrug:

The Straighten & Crop is impressive and does the job very well and saves a manual jobby unless you want to crop more than just the straightening effect ... ;)

In Elements 4 go to 'image - rotate - straighten image'. (Staighten and Crop didn't work well with this pic.) Or click the straightening tool and click on either end of the plinth.

Then to enhance your sky,lettering etc my advise is to experiment with all the tools available until you are satisfied that what you have is what you shot.

My 2p
