Strange call.


Jeremy Beadle
My name is Mal not Jeremy :)
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Just answered a call and as soon as I picked up the phone I could hear another phone ringing as if I were making the call. I immediately put the phone down and ended the call before I received an answer.

Predictably it was a withheld number.

Any Idea of the type of call it was:shrug:
you either used ring back or it was an incoming call from an automated system (telesales).
It was probably an automated sales line - basically what happens is the automated system "pre dials" your number, by predicting when the next agent will become free, and when you will answer. Sometimes (most of the time) there is a difference in the predicted time and the actual time. When this happens, the telephony system then connects you, and dials an agent - they pick up and give you some rubbish about taking part in a survey that will only take 2 minutes etc etc etc....
you either used ring back or it was an incoming call from an automated system (telesales).

Cheers, didn't use ring back so must be telesales, and I am getting peed off with those lately !!.
We registered with TPS but we STILL get some calls, and not from abroad either. The worst type are the silent calls - we had heaps of them from one company and they would ring and the line would go dead.
One idiot from Weatherseal called us, was told we weren't interested and yet kept calling back. Last time he used his own mobile and forgot to block his number, so i googled it and now know his name, the town he lives in,what he drives, his hobbies and what he looks like...eejit :LOL:
TPS works really well, it takes time to filter through and it's not 100% perfect but cold calls to me have dropped to almost zero. Or maybe it's because I threaten to kill them with an axe if they don't stop ****ing calling me!!!!!, either way I'm happy :)
One idiot from Weatherseal called us, was told we weren't interested and yet kept calling back. Last time he used his own mobile and forgot to block his number, so i googled it and now know his name, the town he lives in,what he drives, his hobbies and what he looks like...eejit :LOL:
and then you posted his number on a popular forum.........
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So you would think, but it doesn't stop calls from India/Spain.

You can also register for a similar service to stop junk mail - works a treat too :D
Yep, I still get the odd one from the US, but the majority have stopped.
My number must be almost like the weather forecaster,As some Guy keeps phoning and asking if the coast is clear :(
I get lots of sales calls. I have just this last 5 mins registered with TPS (thanks -RV-!) I debated whether to register though, as I have so much fun with the calls :D I had one last night from India, and he was after my husband. We were eating tea and I couldn't be bothered to do my usual comedy sketch, so instead asked him if he could hold on a minute while I fetched my hubby from the garden. I then put the phone down next to me and proceeded to eat my tea, then have a coffee and flick through the local rag. When I picked the phone back up 15 mins later he was still there :LOL: I simply told him "Thanks for holding, the person you want to speak to isn't available right now, hold on a moment while I transfer your call" Then hung up :LOL:

It's the same stupid company that ring us over and over. It's a shame registering with TPS wont stop them ones ... or is it? :D
This should do it (y)

Registering with TPS will stop cold callers that purchase details from 'selected companies' as they have to check the TPS database before calling.

But it won't stop sequential dialling systems that are being used more and more. A computer system will dial on block an amount of numbers 100000,100001,100002 etc......

They will have an amount of operators waiting for calls to be connected and bingo if your number is in the block you get a call. Silent calls are caused when you pick up your phone but there are no operators available.
Any company calling a number thats registered with TPS, whether its a number they've bought or from some form of generator, is breaking the law, and there's a form on the TPS website to fill in for these people.

What annoys me is they don't even do their homework. They ring me and ask if I'd like double glazing fitting or a new kitchen, and I say 'no, I live in an Army married quarter, I can't change my kitchen' and they reply 'well, I'm sure you could'. Muppets.

Oh, and for those of you that are ex-directory, don't think you're number's that safe: BT apparently still sell your number to telemarketing companies. :boxer::shrug: After writing to BT customer services asking if this was true, stating the very useful Freedom of Information act (2000), I recieved no reply. Seems we're just not allowed to live in peace any more.