Street photo

it's ok, but a bit too many distractions going on (the girl's head in the foreground just gets in the way). Doesn't really capture me though to be honest, sorry.
hey, no need to apologize, i asked for any criticism any suggestions on how to take better street portraits in general? ignoring this one.
Im no pro, so take with a pinch of salt, but i like the subject and the focus, but as said before, the head in front of shot takes away from the image. I know that street photography is not easy and you have to take what you can get most of the time, but this image IMHO would have been better with a wider crop, a few steps arc to the left, and a seconds delay on the shutter to omit the floating head.
But hey, the hardest part is recognising the shot in the first place, and you did that just fine as far as im concerned.
Well done i say!
cheers for the advice. i should be back in there soon for a bit more work. its an area of photography i really want to get better at
It's a great start. You framed it well, keeping his hand in the shot. Probably best not to put the subject in the precise centre; you can aim lower and put his head at the top of the frame for a shot in landscape mode. The focusing is great and I love the way you caught the reflections in the sunglasses.

It's always tricky to check around the edges of the frame when you think you've only got a second or so to take the shot, but it becomes second nature after a while. It's not so important to get a great background with candid street photography as there's usually not enough time, as long as you don't have people growing out of the subject's head, and so on. With the foreground, though, you really want to make sure that no one's in the way of the main parts you want to include - in this case, the guy's arm.

I know that if you'd waited a second or two to get the shot, his arm might have dropped and the woman in the foreground might still be in the way. So it's good that you got this shot but if you'd kept the camera pointed and kept clicking, you might have ended up with a better shot. People who gesture while they're on the phone tend to do it more than once.

All in all, not bad for an animal shooter ;):)
great advice thanks Garry, i'll bear that in mind next time I'm out. i think i got a bit too caught up in getting the reflection if I'm honest. Weirdly this guy wasn't on the phone he was singing along to whatever was on his headphones then preaching at people occasionally as they walked past.