Street photography

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Well ive been putting this of ever since ive had a camera but today im going to brave it and go into town to try some street photography.
Looking forward to it but at the same time a bit nervous lol, but i guess ive got to try it at some point.

So my camera bag is packed and gum shield and head guard at the ready lol.
will post my experience of it and any pics i get when i get home.


Was anyone else a bit nervous the first time they tried street photography? andhow do you go about it
Yes, I was. But there's one thing I have to tell you before you go out: Leave that camera bag at home.
I went out with my camera and standard prime mounted to it on a BlackRapid strap, and had a spare battery in my pocket. That's it. It was a great experience, and I'm really happy I did that.
I did something similar on Friday around London Bridge and managed to get some nice images, but the majority were of the buildings and not the people.

It's something I still worry about but I'm gradually getting better.

As always DigitalRev have a video for it lol

I enjoyed myself, but want to try again and get more of just people.
Yes when I 1st started,but now I don't really think about anymore,every now and then the more often you do it something will come up,but don't let it get to to much :)
There has always been a big debate about street photography but it is one of my favourite photography subjects, as there is so much potential

This was taken the other week in Leeds at the New Dock
I did something similar on Friday around London Bridge and managed to get some nice images, but the majority were of the buildings and not the people.

It's something I still worry about but I'm gradually getting better.

As always DigitalRev have a video for it lol

I enjoyed myself, but want to try again and get more of just people.

love digital rev
I visited The Photographers Gallery a few days ago (Highly recommended) and spent the rest of the day shooting Soho, with my daughter who also is getting into photography. When taking pics of people, I usually try and engage with them, have a chat. Usually very interesting


Perhaps what you ned is a lens hood with a mirror set at 45 degrees angle. Turn the lens hood to focus on the 'person' or 'event' the camera will look like it's pointing 'east' wheras in actual fact it's focussing on some thing to the 'west' :whistle:
I asked my first person the other day! LOL. It was a couple of teenagers, boy and a girl in a skate board park, whatever they're called/ He asked "Is it for the papers?" I said, "No, it's just I like urban photography." He said yes, but she covered her face up! I took one photo, as I was nervous, then said "thanks" and walked off. It was rubbish! :LOL:
Tilt screen on my XT1 is made for the street. People are to accustomed to you holding a camera up to get a shot they don't bat an eye lid when your looking down at a tilted screen.

If I were you I'd head out later in the day, find the light and shadows and let people come to you.

Rule #1 - no chimping.
I asked my first person the other day! LOL. It was a couple of teenagers, boy and a girl in a skate board park, whatever they're called/ He asked "Is it for the papers?" I said, "No, it's just I like urban photography." He said yes, but she covered her face up! I took one photo, as I was nervous, then said "thanks" and walked off. It was rubbish! :LOL:

99/100 shots are rubbish when it comes to street photography.

Taking photots "of the street" and converting them to black and white does not a street photographer make!

Most of my shots are deleted but every so often you one, sometimes out of pure luck, you get s keeper.

Good on you for approaching them!
99/100 shots are rubbish when it comes to street photography.

Taking photots "of the street" and converting them to black and white does not a street photographer make!

Most of my shots are deleted but every so often you one, sometimes out of pure luck, you get s keeper.

Good on you for approaching them!

I do some street photography, but not a lot, due to nerves! They were alone, and had noticed me with the camera, so I couldn't do it sneakily!
I feel street photos are better if you dont ask as they are more likely to give a pose which will ruin the shot, as for just taking the photos its a more natural way but you can express yourself more by not having people in the photo, it could be anything that is the whole point, as there as been a big debate on this genre of photography. But there are so many good and bad points about it.
Yep i do ask sometimes,but most of the times its up to eye bang and away,i don't think people notice most of the time :)

This was taken at the Leeds xmas market 2 years ago before the leader of my group got us kicked out haha

Actually had permission to take photos this day, the city beach in Millenium square in Leeds.

Some of the photos were then published in a article by leeds list
I do some street photography, but not a lot, due to nerves! They were alone, and had noticed me with the camera, so I couldn't do it sneakily!

It's a little different here because I can walk the streets snapping away knowing that I'm at no risk of getting my arse kicked :D
It's a little different here because I can walk the streets snapping away knowing that I'm at no risk of getting my arse kicked :D

Yeah, I live in Leeds.......HAHAHA!

I tend to go to smaller towns with my camera.
i took a photo of a busker on briggate and after he had finished his song asked to see it and asked if i could send him a copy for his site, i was willing to share as long as he credited me which he did
The bigger the better,your less lightly to be notice in a big city and their will say more tourist about taking photos,and you can just blend in :)

I went to new york city and there were hundreds of tourists, especially holding canon cameras :D wonderful city is New York
Yeah, I live in Leeds.......HAHAHA!

I tend to go to smaller towns with my camera.

I have to admit, I wouldn't be as confident shooting in a major city in the UK. Or any city for that matter.

I "like" the Fuji page on Facebook and someone put a photo on he'd taken of a group of teenagers. There was about six of them and at least three were snarling motioning towards him... :D
It's a little different here because I can walk the streets snapping away knowing that I'm at no risk of getting my arse kicked :D

would make more sense if we knew where "here" is?
Sorry I thought that would be clear by my username. The UAE.

nope and still non the wiser.. I woudlnt normally look at someones user name to see where they are from anyway.. so uae ? I still dont know..
Perhaps what you ned is a lens hood with a mirror set at 45 degrees angle. Turn the lens hood to focus on the 'person' or 'event' the camera will look like it's pointing 'east' wheras in actual fact it's focussing on some thing to the 'west' :whistle:
You mean one of these? Always used to be adverts for them in the back of Amateur Photographer years ago - apparently they are still available...
You mean one of these? Always used to be adverts for them in the back of Amateur Photographer years ago - apparently they are still available...

Wow, yes that's the ideal thing :)
nope and still non the wiser.. I woudlnt normally look at someones user name to see where they are from anyway.. so uae ? I still dont know..
If you click their avatar, it usually tells you where they're from. Yours says you're from Accrington.