Stupid kids

Totally agree - dont know what it is about kids these days, but they have so little common sense that its scary:(
Must admit it's the sort of thing I would have done but luckily nobody had a moped :shake:

Showed my 12/14 year old kids the video , scared the **** out of them , don't think they'll try it :nono:
darwin awards...
whitewash said:
look at it one way, they now understand the physics behind centrefugal force

But centrifugal force doesnt exist :p

Quite! I thought it was centripetal (sp?) force...
From what I read :p...

Centripetal force is the force which makes it go round (IE from the bike)
Hahaha! As if I would have thought that my A Level Physics would ever be useful!

Centripetal force is the force with prevents an object moving in a straight line - ie the railing on the roundabout that these kids are hanging on to. I guess when the speed they're going in exceeds the force that they are applying to keep them on the roundabout, they fly off the thing and have a damn good go at removing themselves from the gene pool!
Well it's all chinese to me. Never did A-Level physics, and my physics teacher at school had funny hair.....the mocking of which took up most of the lessons.

Centripetal/fugal, I have absolutely no idea :D Just repeating what I read on another forum I think.
lol. that's brilliant. I used to do stupid stuff like that all the time.

Caused a major fire in my mates house when I was about 15 making black powder. Fortunately his parents had been away on a Christian Holiday/Meeting and were full of the love of the lord & forgiveness!

It's what being a kid is all about!

Grumpy old men!
Trouble is when they injure themselves they want to sue the council for not providing a soft landing for them.:LOL:
It's appeared on Yahoo news with the usual "think of the children" over-reaction :shrug: .

havent watched the vid here but saw it on the news last night. Like mrgubby I think if we'd had a scooter we'd have given it a go :D. The other favourite was trying to get the swings to go right over.