suction mount thingy @ amazon

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not sure how useful this will be but if any good looks a reasonable buy for £23.75 delivered:

I've had one for a while. It's definitely a trustworthy piece of kit though I do check it carefully before leaving it.
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That link takes you to one for £53! You have to click on the '20 new from £23.75.
I have the single suction pad version for my poseidon car action cam and its very good.

thats because the £23 one has now sold out, amazon say more on way but they might be the correct price then.
Just ordered one, why I don't know but I knew I needed one lol
Back up to £50 now :crying:

Probably just as well, as I was about to buy one, which I don't really need but want :LOL:
that would be really useful for slapping flashes here there and everywhere :) but as mentioned, i wouldnt want to trust it with a few k worth of kit!, maybe stick the rucksack under it.