Sunbeam Tiger - New edit added

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I went to a small local car meet earlier today... the usual Lambos, Porkers, M series BMWs etc but this also turned up.
Processed to look like a period shot (TBH I was playing with the guided modes in Elements 9 :LOL: )


The original, and some others are on my flickr in my sig.


Revised version with lamp post and car park lines removed. (Isn't content aware fill just ace :clap: )

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Nice shot. The background is not good, but, if you're a Sunbeam afficiando I think that distraction disappears. I used to have an Alpine Series V (4.2 litres in this chassis must've been a handful) upon which this was based, the interest overides the poor background.

Some things you can't change!
Thanks for the comments guys. I know the bg is pants, it was too cold to mess about with moving cars...

I was more interested in thoughts about the processing. Cross processed with a vignette. Supposed to look a bit 70's.
Works for me, I think if you could clone the 'modern' lamppost poking out the alpines roof, it would improve the composition.
Works for me, I think if you could clone the 'modern' lamppost poking out the alpines roof, it would improve the composition.

Will have a go... the reflection of the yellow Gallardo in the door is a bit distracting too !
I like the background has that 60's feel to go with the processing of the image. I always wanted one of these when I had the Alpine (first the Fast back & then the Get Smart model) back in the 70's
PS would remove the lamp post though
New edit added with background junk removed...
The edit has improved the image 100% IMHO although prefer the car glossy finsih in the original post