Sunday Football Pictures Published.

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Jeeez im well chuffed.

I contacted the Dover Express last week offering my services & as they
do not currently have any photographers working Sundays they agreed
to have a look at my work.

Having taken on board tips & advice from you guys i braved the weather
& dirty grass (stool to be purchased) grabbed a few shots & sent them
some low res copies via email.

Today i grabbed the local rag & found that two of mine had been used &
as agreed,my name mentioned.

Thanks guys & roll on next Sunday for more footy practice (y)


If they like your images, and they don't have working togs on Sunday, then you could have a mutually satisfactory relationship. I would discuss money though sooner rather than never.

However, its a great feeling isn't it seeing your first print published - keep a copy safe for posterity :)
I'll add my congrats before the OMG you're not charging brigade arrive.
OMG... Youre not charging!!!???

Im hoping this will turn into a regular thing & i have been advised that
in order to obtain a press pass for places like Dover Athletic,you need
to show your work in publications.

I agreed to do this one & maybe another for free & in return get credited
for my efforts.

They do use a couple of freelance photographers so hopefully this will be
a foot in the door :shrug::LOL:
in order to obtain a press pass for places like Dover Athletic,you need
to show your work in publications.

Nope thats only for football league, championship and premiership.. I dont think theres any media accreditation system in the ryman league.. there certainly isnt in the north equivelant the unibond (used to be a few yrs ago)

Ask the club if you can photograph.. the club will 99.99% welcome you with open arms.. All you need is public liability cover to go pitchside.. that is important on any football ground.
Fantastic! Well done :clap: I hope something good develops (no pun intended) out of it!
Nope thats only for football league, championship and premiership..

All you need is public liability cover to go pitchside.. that is important on any football ground.

Thanks for the advice,i will give them a call & see how i get on.

Just hope i dont feel to intimidated with my little 200mm :LOL:
Thanks for the advice,i will give them a call & see how i get on.

Just hope i dont feel to intimidated with my little 200mm :LOL:

Did my first season or two at football with the digital camera thats my avatar now <------.. even did an fa tropy final with it. in fact that camera i did a full england game at city of manchester with :).. then went to 10d and a sigma 70-200 before finally getting the real good stuff.. your equipments better than when i started out :)

keep at it mate :)
Well done. As has been mooted online a lot of late, sometimes the best shoots are free and a good example of an inexperienced snapper getting images in print which can be better than payment itself. Don't run before you can walk and it will be fine just use these games to get better and better at football.
Congratulations, I like the pictures ´cause they show football the way it is meant to be. A sport for everyone. Looking forward to see more from you.

Greetings from germany
Congratulations, I like the pictures ´cause they show football the way it is meant to be. A sport for everyone. Looking forward to see more from you.

Greetings from germany

Thanks Marc,much appreciated (y)