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Hi Everyone,

After pestering you all earlier this year for Poppy field locations, I'm now after a field of Sunflowers in Gloucestershire/Worcestershire area, or further afield within reason. I used to have one very close but it's no longer being used for that purpose :(

All help appreciated, thanks.
Wheres your pics of the poppy fields?
do love them and sun flower when you get some ;-)
Most farmers rotate crops, so a field that had sunflowers in last year may have wheat in this year. You may find though the same farm is still planting sunflowers but in a different field.

I was in Lincolnshire last week and noticed that the sunflowers were only just flowering, so you may be a bit early for any spectacular shots at the moment.
Wheres your pics of the poppy fields?
do love them and sun flower when you get some ;-)

My favourite pictures of poppies i took were these, not a see of red as i was hoping for but i am happy with them:)

Most farmers rotate crops, so a field that had sunflowers in last year may have wheat in this year. You may find though the same farm is still planting sunflowers but in a different field.

I was in Lincolnshire last week and noticed that the sunflowers were only just flowering, so you may be a bit early for any spectacular shots at the moment.

Yeah, i appreciate that farmers do rotate crops, but the field near me was sunflowers every year, so me thinks they've just stopped doing sunflowers :(

And you're right about it being a little early, thought i'd get in quick and get people looking :D If i don't find any i'll just have to settle for one of the neighbours gardens :)

Thanks for your help
Hi Everyone,

After pestering you all earlier this year for Poppy field locations, I'm now after a field of Sunflowers in Gloucestershire/Worcestershire area, or further afield within reason. I used to have one very close but it's no longer being used for that purpose :(

All help appreciated, thanks.

Worth a look, and they are coming out now (y)
Try the Broadway Hill, above the Vale of Evesham

Worth a look, and they are coming out now (y)

Thanks, I'll be taking a look as soon as that sun puts it hat on again:)

Lovely part of the world too!