Sunny weddings

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Hi everyone,
I have been asked to photograph a wedding for a friend and am after a bit of advice. How is the best way to prevent glare on people's foreheads? I am conscious that it will be very sunny on the day and not sure how to counteract the 'shiny head' syndrome. Any tips anyone?
Thank you
you've 3 problems with harsh sunlight that I have experienced with weddings.

1) Sun is behind them. Harsh backlight meaning that your camera either over exposes the background to get the people exposed or underexposes the people and correctly expose the background.

2) you shoot with the sun behind you and every squints at you as the sun is in their face.

3) you are side on and people have harsh shadows over their faces with bad highlights.

It kind of leaves you with 2 option, either shoot with the sun behind them and use flash to bring them to the same level of brightness as the background or find a nice shaded area to do the photos.

Obviously this is the ideal option, however, some of the time you have to make do.