Sunset over Stonehenge


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Had a hunch the sunset may be good tonight :D
Comments welcome, click for large.


Wow Grant, these are fantastic. Well done (y)

I love the colour, composition and the light shining through. Especially love #2 and the way the light flares, it almost looks like a keyhole.

Great set :clap:


Dawn :)
Love those - esp. No2. Always thought that would be a good place for a sunset shot.
Very nice Grant! Was there a few weeks ago and longed for a decent sky like this. I am going to go against the grain and say number 1 for me. I feel that number twos focus is too much about the sun, and although an awesome shot, could have benefitted from a wider composition?

Beautiful and would make an awesome triptych methinks....
Thanks guys, was just lucky on the sunset colors, I covered both basis shooting one at 35mm and the other at 105mm so tried to get both wide and tight. No LOL not a druid but have been called worse :D
Love the way the light's coming through from between the stones. (y)
Cheers guys
My fav of the set converted black and white..... rather ironic for a sun set but works for me.
Cheers guys
My fav of the set converted black and white..... rather ironic for a sun set but works for me.

Hmmm? Not sure I like the B&W as it is. Perhaps with less big black cloud as it detracts from the stones. Also the light seems too bright in the conversion, not sure if that can be lowered?

Its great to see you trying different processing with the pics.

But hey, I'm no expert so don't take my word for it. I still prefer the colour version, and #2 is still my fav.


Dawn :)
Loving the second one, but there's too much in black in the first for me - how about a pano? Hope you don't mind the quick edit.

Thanks guys, i did purposefully darken everything to make it ultra moody :D but accept it may not be to everyones taste. Cannot view muppetdave would like to see it.


Both lovely shot, with a small + to #2
Well done Grant. I like the B&W, the cloud gives a sense of forbodding. I had planned on going down to Stonehenge or Avebury at sunset a few weeks ago but decided against it for fear of not being able to get close enough to the stones. Your pics have made me realise I made a mistake. :clap:
Thank guys (y)

AlanoDale two non paying options really over the fence or sneak up from the bottom and get some long shots:D, nice place back up on the hill on the right toward Salisbury/Andover as well. There is a fence and an area you can park (y)
Both really good shots, number 2 really ticks all the right boxes for me, well done Grant
I think a pano of the first shot would really work well. The cloud above the stones is just a bit to imposing for me otherwise.
2nd is a great shot to, not much to add crit wise for that shot.
number 2 great shot good sky good image done well to expose for both love it thats one foe the wall me thinks (y)