Support for a new concept

Look people no offence but all you need to do is go to downing street web page and sign an online petition.

I know some people might not agree with putting young offenders in National service but Im sure some think they shouldnt just get stuck in the rut of prison-out-prison,
If we can try to reform more then the present system its a bonus all round.

Anyway enough of my rant just thought they may be more people who care....:shrug:
A few points stand out. The site does not look professional with the free advertising, it costs a few pounds to buy some webspace. There are thousands of these e-petitions flying round the net for all sorts.

What work has already been done?
Where is the facility?
Who is going to pay for it?
Won't it cost more than a prison to run?
There is no mention of security? public safety is priority? How are inmates housed?
What about european human rights legislation?
Who will run the workshops? What training have they received?

"With a minimum sentence of 6 months this is more than enough time to straighten out most offenders, but if required further months of rehabilitation will be added if we feel the offender will benefit from this."

Isn't it upto the courts to decide how long a sentence a person should serve for their crime?
A few points stand out. The site does not look professional with the free advertising, it costs a few pounds to buy some webspace. There are thousands of these e-petitions flying round the net for all sorts.

What work has already been done?
Where is the facility?
Who is going to pay for it?
Won't it cost more than a prison to run?
There is no mention of security? public safety is priority? How are inmates housed?
What about european human rights legislation?
Who will run the workshops? What training have they received?

"With a minimum sentence of 6 months this is more than enough time to straighten out most offenders, but if required further months of rehabilitation will be added if we feel the offender will benefit from this."

Isn't it upto the courts to decide how long a sentence a person should serve for their crime?

Have to agree .... I would want more info from these questions and more than a half page advert to sign this petition.
my thoughts entirely, the website doesnt answer any questions i have about it. does your friend have any plans actually put in place and research into the matter or is he just a pub warrior?
the site looks deeply unproffessional as well, which cant be a good slant to put on your 'cause' i actually closed the page down after the advert started speaking

do these government petitions actually do anything? i seriously doubt it.
I have to agree with the above comments, the website you link to is no advert for a respectable service. Bad grammar, poor site design and free hosting all say 'amateur'.

It may be they they have a workable idea that could help young offenders but they really need to do an awful lot of work before anyone let alone government is going to take them seriously.
Your all right, Sorry to bother any of you just got asked to drop it in by a friend.
I will remove the links at the top.

No need to apologise :) ideas like this can turn into great solutions to problems with the right research. Part of that research includes asking peoples thoughts on the subject and opening up discussion like this. Your friend needs to be prepared and have the answers to these types of questions.